Whisper's New Story!

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WHISPER: Heahs meh new backstory!

EVERYONE: *Cowers in corner*

It was just a normal boring day, she was playing in the rain and everything was good. That is until one day...... 'Whisper' was her nickname because she's so quiet and never talks at school. Whisper was in middle school and she  was the goody goody , the g.g .  Whisper  was at school and it was raining. She raised her hand, "Can we do our work outside?" The teacher had a mad look on her face, "I am only taking serious questions!" she said and ignored Whisper the rest of the day, so most of her work was unfinished. As she walked home she jumped in every puddle, but she felt like she was being watched. Whisper turned around , no one there. Now, Whisper isnt the bravest thing in the world so she ran the rest of the way home. When she sat at the table in the kitchen all her work was wet and she threw it all away. "Cant even read what I already put on it." She thought. Her mom asked her about her day, and Whisper explained. After dinner Whisper laid down in bed and fell asleep. She woke up later and felt someone beside her. Their hand found its way somewhere, and Whisper kicked them away. As she looked over Whisper saw nobody. "Wierd" she thought. The next day the same thing happened, except she saw who it was, well she saw their shadow. For weeks this happened and Whisper was more and more sad, afraid of people even. When her friends surrounded her was the only time she felt safe. She didnt want to go home at night, and one day she even tried staying up all night. Soon enough she fell asleep, Whisper could never stay awake for long. Later she woke up, she felt the body beside her and their hand penetrating her, she quickly kicked them away and shut her eyes tight. She didnt want to see whoever this was, she just wanted it to end. They came up on her bed, and the same thing happened, she kicked them away, this time yelling "STOP!" It worked, they left her room, but just as she was falling asleep they returned again. He covered her mouth and said, "Shhhhhhh..." Whisper tried to scream, but the hand was in her way muffling her voice. Her eyes were shut still, but she opened them and turned around. The sight broke her heart. She screamed real loud. Louder than she knew she could. "STOOOOP! STOP IT STOP IT STOOPPP!!!"  The person left and  Whisper fell asleep tired after screaming. she was gonna tell her mom but school got in the way. Whisper got even more sad, after finding out who did that. Her heart was shattered. Her friends didnt know what was wrong and she wouldnt tell them, for personal reasons. When she got home she didnt speak. She found her mom putting groceries inside. Whisper ran up to her mom and cried. " ." That night Whisper sat on top bunk. She cried, then without thinking she grabbed a razor from the bathroom and cut. He ruined her and she knew it. After attempts of running away the next day Whisper decided what needed to be done. She grabbed two kitchen knifes and tried killing herself.  she tried to cut out her own heart, but passed out due to blood loss. The next day she woke up on the bathroom floor. She still had the knifes and she killed her family, but after killing them she cut their heart out and ripped it apart, representing how her heart had died. Now she still roams around killing people, but usually you will hear crying and a shattering sound then she will say, "Broken and torn I am , Broken and Torn you WILL be Its a double tragedy!" Sometimes it is said that she will sit beside any little girl that has had the same thing happened to Whisper and the next day their assaulter would turn dead. Some of them even say they hear her whisper, Dont worry dont cry tomorrow everything will be alright.' or 'Its okay, it wont happen again.'

WHISPER: *Cries* My own backstory tears meh up! We will answer questions next part! Bye kittiez! Ima go eat! Maybe some heart soup?

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