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Jenna POV

Y/N has been incredibly sick these past few days, he's been in so much pain it's heartbreaking for me to watch as wallows around in discomfort. I just wanna make him feel better, he deserves some comfort after everything he's been through.

"Jenna?" He called to me weakly, tears pooling out of his eyes from the pain in his stomach. God he looks so sad. I sat next to him on his bedside.

"Hi honey, do you need anything precious" I asked stroking his cheek and wiping away his tears. He was dripping with sweat, it was probably torture for him, having do deal with sweat made his clothes stick to his skin as well as the sheets. He tried to day something to me but he choked back a sob seemingly unable to convey how he was feeling, but he eventually got the words out.

"I feel really warm and my stomach is killing me. It hurts so much Jenna, I just want it to stop hurting" he said with a sob following his words. My heart ached at his words, he's such a sweetheart and didn't deserve any of this.

I felt his forehead, jesus he was on fire, as if i was touching the scornful surface of a volcano, the sweat on his forehead glistening his skin."You're burning up, sweetheart" he began to cry and I just held him close to me, holding his head into my neck as he cried.

"I'm so sorry baby boy, do you think you can take some medicine for me sweetie?" He shrugged, the medicine he took a few hours ago didn't really help at all, but I can't just watch him wallow in pain I have to help him.

"Alright hon' how about this, I'm gonna go downstairs and get some medicine and few other things, then we can cuddle up together. How does that sound?" He nodded and I kissed his forehead and laid him back down onto the bed. "Alright sweetness, you stay put and get as comfy as possible and I'll be right back with the medicine."

I made my way downstairs and grabbed a few things: Medicine, fresh clothes, thermometer, laptop, and stim toys in case he needs them. I began making some soup for him, I didn't want him taking anything on an empty stomach, the won't soup irritate his stomach too much. His clothes were loose, he always preferred looser clothing as it was far less irritating to his skin.

It was a Star Wars t-shirt with Darth Vader on the front, it was one of his favourite especially since I brought it him for his birthday. Once the soup was ready I made my way back upstairs to my baby.

I opened the door to see him shifting around in bed desperately trying to find a comfortable position. He notices me and I smile softly at him. "Jenna" he cried out to me with a hint of pain evident in his voice.

"Shhhhhh it's ok bubs, I'm here now and I'm gonna take care of you" I reassured him softly. I need to get his sweaty clothes off "Alright hon' can you sit up for me, I need to get your shirt off. Look I have your favourite shirt with me." His eyes lighten up at the sight of his favourite shirt, god he's adorable.

"Lift your arms up babe" I say taking off his shirt, this is definitely going in the wash. He slid his arms into the new shirt and I pulled over him and he instantly felt more relieved. "Good job angel" I say kissing his temple.

"OK hon' I'm gonna take your temperature now OK?" He nodded and I grabbed the thermometer on the nightstand. I brought the thermometer close to his mouth and waited for him to get ready "Alright sweet boy open your mouth for me" I say and stuck the thermometer under his tongue, he was really nervous I could tell "it'll be OK sweetie try not to worry too much OK?" He nodded and I rubbed his shoulder to keep him calm.

The thermometer beeped and the results of his temperature were less than desirable, my love really can't catch a break. "Oof you're temperature's still really high honey it's sitting at 101.2" I stroke his cheek to comfort him, my poor baby; so sick but still so sweet. "I think it's time for your medicine now, it'll be quick I promise."

A look of disgust was etched on his face knowing this was gonna taste like shit. I take the bottle of medicine and pour it onto a spoon for him to take. I brought the spoon up to his mouth and he backed away "it's ok baby, just one spoonful and you're done I promise, it'll be OK."

I brought the spoon to his mouth and ge accepted it begrudgingly, he barely kept it down; almost gagging on it. "There you go babe good job. Now I'm gonna feed you some soup ok, we don't want you taking this medicine on an empty stomach". He nodded and I fed him his soup.

Once he finished the soup I picked up the laptop and got into bed next to him and put his head on my chest. His face filled with contentment, I wrapped my arms securely around him making him feel safe. I turned the laptop on and brought up Disney+, then asked a question that would certainly brighten his mood.

"Wanna watch Star Wars?" I asked and his eyes filled with excitement, he nodded happily and it made my heart flutter, he's so goddamn cute. "Which one, love bug?" I asked "Empire strikes back" he replied keeping his sentences short as he was still feeling overwhelmed from being sick. I nodded and played the movie, his head was on my chest as I stroked his hair and kissed his head softly.

2 hours later

The film finished and Y/N's eyes were looking a little droopy; head laying comfortably on my chest, he was gonna fall asleep any minute.

"Jenna?" He said quietly

"Yes love?" I replied

"I love you so much" he said, eyes filled with love and comfort.

"I love you too baby boy, get some rest now darling you'll feel better soon I promise." His eyes slowly but surely clamped shut as I rocked him back and forth whilst humming a soft tune to lull him to sleep. He was gonna be OK and ill always take care of him.

I love him so much.

Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now