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Man I'm so tired, I really should've slept more. I felt my head getting heavier by the second, focus slowly fading away as I drive home from work. Suddenly, I get a phone call.

"Hello?" I say, unaware of who called me. "Hi babe, you finished work yet, I miss you" my beautiful girl says on the other end immediately rejuvenating me.

"Hi jen, I'm just on my way home now, I shouldn't be long" I confirm but feel the tempting desire to sleep pull at me as my eyelids grow heavier.

"How long till you're home, sweetheart?" She says and I try to answer but my voice betrays me.

"I should be back in...*yawn* 5 minutes or so" my vision became clouded and my eyes starting drooping.

"Babe, did you sleep at all?" Jenna knows me too well, lying would be pointless. God I'm so stupid for not sleeping.

"No..." I say embarrassed, desperately trying to focus on the road. I hear a sigh on the other end of the phone and immediately feel shame.

"Sweetie..." she let's out a sigh of disappointment. "I know I know should've went to bed, but I had a project due today and I needed to finish it before my boss got pissed at me and...

I go on a massive tyraid before being cut off by Jenna."it's ok babe just calm down for me alright I'll see you at home soon, I've got pasta cooking right now for us to eat when you get home, does that sound good?"

I swear this women is far too good to me "That sounds wonderful darling" I say and she giggles, my heart fluttering at hearing her delighted laugh.

"Alright sweetie you drive safe and I'll see you very soon, I love you Y/N" my cheeks blush, thankfully she can't see. "I love you, Jenna" and with that we end the call, now I just need to focus on the damn road.

I make it home finally, stepping out the car door I stumble on my way out, falling to my knee on the concrete below me. My vision is completely disoriented, I can barely make out my surroundings, and then everything went black.

Jenna POV

I see Y/N's car in the driveway but he's nowhere to be seen, however his car door is open meaning he had to of gotten out. I make my way outside only to be met with baby lying on the ground on the cold hard concrete.

Upon seeing my unconscious boyfriend I immediately knelt down by his side, his head taken place on something rather uncomfortable; the driveway. I had to wake him up.

"Y/NN wake up honey." He groaned and his eyes slowly opened showing his beautiful eye colour; Y/E/C.

"Mmm Jenna..." he groaned out. "Hi honey, you okay?" I ask while assessing him to make sure he isn't sick, he didn't look great.

He reached out his arms signaling me to help him up so I did, he looked up around trying to take note of his surroundings; then it him, he slept on the ground.

"Cmon hon' let's get you to bed" I ordered, he needed his beauty sleep. He tried to protest but I wasn't having it "But Jen..." he started, "no you're going to bed right now end of story."

He groaned but ultimately caved in, he was around like a zombie he needs to sleep; it's not healthy.

We reached our bedroom and he fell back on the mattress bow, a loud thud was made as his back connected with the bed, he groaned as he sank into the mattress.

"Alright baby, I'm gonna go get your pasta for you to eat and then I'm gonna tuck you into bed, do you need anything else?" He shook his head and then I left with a smile to go get his food.

"Here you go baby boy, I got you a glass of water too; for your throat, it sounds scratchy. He ate his pasta rather quickly, he really must be hungry.

He walked round to his side of the bed to tuck him in, he looked exhausted and I wanted to take care of him. I leaned down did just that. "Alright sweetness, let's get you all nice and cozy, we're gonna sleep now okay?" He nodded and I kissed all over his face.

Once he was all nice and snug I got in beside and put his head on my chest, he always loves to cuddle and tonight was no different. However, the thought of him not sleeping continue to loom in my mind; why wasn't he sleeping?

Eventually, I mustered up the courage ask him. "Babe, why aren't you sleeping?" I asked and he gave me a shrug in response, they wouldn't do I needed a better answer than that.

"Cmon babe, why aren't you sleeping and be honest with me." He inhales then starts to tell me. "My boss got really pissed at me for not reaching the deadline of our last project; even though I was only an hour late, so I decided to cut down my sleeping time to work on the project. I had no idea it would mean l stop sleeping all together."

He started ranting, I began stroking his hair to keep him calm; to no avail. "I didn't mean to stop sleeping Jenna, I know how mad you get when I don't take care of myself but I just wanted to make my boss proud of me for once. I feel so stupid!"

"Hey hey, it's ok babe I'm not mad I just want you to be healthy. Your boss needs to lay off you is all, he needs to understand that you not sleeping is whats halting your progress."

He puts his head back on my chest and I stroke his hair and rub his back in comfort, he begins to rub his eyes; he's gonna fall asleep soon. I begin to rock him as he yawns, snuggling futher into me.

"Shhhh, just sleep now okay? You've been working so hard all week and you deserve a break this weekend. I'm gonna talk to your boss and tell him you're not coming in; trust me he won't say no to me."

"I love you Jenna" he says quietly. "I love you too, beautiful boy" I kiss his forehead lovingly and continue to rock him from side to side and he fell asleep soon after. "Sweet dream, baby boy. I love you much." I whisper, joining him in his slumber.

Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now