Doctor Wednesday

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Selective!mute!reader x gentle!Wednesday

1786 words

Y/N is extremely ill and Wednesday has to put her medical skills into practice

Wednesday POV

Y/N has been noticeably absent from first period. He's usually incredibly punctual so this was extremely unusual. I hadn't seen him at our usual place where we congregate either.

Botany class was next period, perhaps he would decide to show his face then. I can't help but feel the slightest bit worried at his disappearance, despite my cold and callous nature ,Y/N has my heart and I'd do anything to keep him safe.

The bell rang, indicating that next period has started. I left hastily, avoiding any conversations that Xavier would surely try to engage with me. Even now he can't see that I have no interest in him, or his pathetic excuses for art.

Enid was standing outside of class. Perhaps she's seen Y/N around. "Enid have you seen Y/N around anywhere? He didn't turn up at our usual meeting spot, and I'm sure you've noticed his absence from class." I ask the blonde werewolf.

"No I haven't unfortunately. It's weird though, I've never seen him miss class. Sorry roomie." I nod at her words and made my way into class.

"Alright everyone settle down" Miss Hacksaw, our new botany teacher said gently with a smile. She's a gentle woman, despite what her name would suggest. Certainly a better candidate for a teacher than Laurel Gates.

"Wednesday have you seen Y/N? He usually walks in with you" just as I was about to answer her question, the doors to the class shot open and revealed Y/N, hair untidy and uniform a mess.

Y/N was panting heavily, likely due to running to class like a bafoon. He began to sign "Sorry for being late Miss Hacksaw. It won't happen again I promise" he signs, but lets out a rough cough shortly afterwards.

"It's okay Y/N, take your seat." Y/N sat down next to me, not sparing a glance as he hung his head low, hiding his face. He was fiddling with his hands, a motion that was only present when he was under extreme stress or just generally uncomfortable.

He was shivering, unusual as the weather was quite warm today, and that's not even including the already warm room temperature. He was sweating from head to toe, droplets of sweat ran down his forehead like a waterfall. The ever persistent cough racked through his body.

I'd had enough, something was clearly wrong and I intended to find out what. "Y/N you don't look well" I say, not eliciting a response from him. "You're coughing up a lung, you need to go back to bed" I try hammering in the fact that he's unwell but it fell on deaf ears.

He looked at me and signed "I can't afford for my grades to drop, Wednesday. You of all people know the importance of good grades" He finished. True, my grades are indeed impeccable, but I care more for my boyfriends health than grades.

I felt his forehead and immediately felt the scornful temperature. "Darling you have a fever, you're not well. You need medical attention." Before he could protest, another round of violent coughs occured, catching the attention of the teacher.

Miss Hacksaw spoke up "Wednesday is Y/N feeling okay?" I look back down at him, his eyes pleading for me to help him.

"No he's not. I'm going to take him to the infirmary." She nodded at my words and I briskly took Y/N out of the room with me. I hold his shivering body close to mine as we walk in tandem with each other. "Don't worry mi amor, I know you hate the infirmary and I'm not taking you there. I'm taking you to my dorm and I'll take really good care of you I promise" he nodded at my reassuring words.

Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now