Doctor Wednesday pt2

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Selective!mute!reader x gentle!Wednesday

1663 words

Wednesday POV

"Is he okay?" Enid asked me, worried for Y/Ns condition.

"He'll be fine soon enough, his fever is getting better, though not yet in the normal range. He's still quite congested. I'm constantly checking him over. I haven't left his side." I say to the werewolf. "I won't leave him alone until I'm confident that he's well enough to resume classes."

She smiled at me, deviously. "What?" I ask her, wanting to know what she found so obviously amusing.

"You're so in love, Wednesday it's insane." She laughed as she spoke. I hate to admit it, but Enid is most certainly correct. I am in love with my beautiful Y/N, and I'm not ashamed to admit that, not at all. Though I am ashamed to admit that Enid is proven right.

I let out a sharp exhalation, expressing my annoyance with the werewolf. "You're enjoying the fact that you're right about me, aren't you?" A rhetorical question, but she answers anyway.

"Umm absolutely! You're so in love with him. And now you're basically his personal doctor. How romantic!" She exclaims excitedly, luckily no one heard as we were in our dorm.

"I didn't want to take him to the infirmary. The nurses completely disregard his needs everytime he goes there. I won't put him through any unnecessary discomfort if I can prevent it. Besides, I'm far more qualified to take care of him than those pitiful excuses for nursing staff" I scoff, their incompetence definitely shows.

My eyes dart over to Y/N sleeping figure, I only hope he's not in anymore pain when he regains consciousness.

"Anyways, would you like to go out with me and Yoko to Jericho this afternoon?" She asked, but I gave her a look of disapproval.

"Go out with you and the vampire while Y/N remains alone in bed? No thank you, I have a patient to look after. Like I said, I'm not leaving him." I say, shutting down Enid's suggestion immediately.

Y/N began to stir in his sleep, whimpers of discomfort causing worry to flow through me. "Enid leave now. Y/N isn't comfortable with guests at the moment." She nods and immediately heads out, she may be foolish but she knows Y/N isn't in the mood right now.

I walked over to Y/N, who's still laying on my bed. I sat down on his bedside to gently comfort him. "Shhhh it's okay sweet boy, it's okay. I'm here." I cooed, pressing my lips to his forehead.

His eyes slowly opened, my hands stroking the top of his head as he awoke from his slumber. I smile down at him, letting him know that's he safe. "Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling?"

He couldn't speak too well so he began signing instead "Can I have some water please? My throat's really dry" He asked.

"Of course you can, darling" I grabbed a water bottle and held it to his lips, gently guiding the water down his throat in small increments. "Small sips, my love" he gulped down the water, soothing his dry thoat. "Your IV has finished. I'll re-examine you in a moment, but I'll give you some time since you just woke up." He nodded and began signing again.

"Can I have a hug please?" He looked embarrassed at the request. Usually I'd gag at the prospect of cuddling someone, but he's very special to me, and I love hugging him.

I smile at him and cup his face "You can have as many hugs as you want, mi amor. Don't be afraid to ask me that. Come here" I gently wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into my chest, careful not to cause any unnecessary discomfort.

Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now