Valentines Success

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Words: 1162

2nd Person POV

(5 days earlier)

Jenna and You walked down the mall, shopping bags in hand. It was particularly quiet today which made the experience a little more bearable today than what you're regularly accustomed to.

You two soon came to a stop in front of a clothing store Jenna frequents, one of her favourite stores. However, the amount of people in store was quite substantial and you too could get noticed in public, something neither of you minded if they're fans, but today you two just wanted some quiet

You quickly thought of a solution to avoid being spotted by the public, and also maybe because you didn't want to go into the store yourself because of the people. "Hey babe, why don't you go in the store and I'll stay out here. That way it'll be harder for people to spot us since we're not close together" you suggested.

"You sure sweetie?" She says and you reply promptly with a nod and a smile. Jenma gives you a loving kiss on the cheek "I'll only be a couple minutes." She says and walks into the store, leaving you standing in the mall, looking for anything interesting to pass the time.

Not far from the clothing store was the LEGO store, one of your personal favourites. LEGO has been a comfort item for most of your life, and let's be honest, who doesn't love LEGO.

You walked over to the store and entered it, immediately engulfed with childhood nostalgia and familier sights that just make you feel all happy and giddy inside.

You looked at each set and their themes. They had from Star Wars, Spider-Man, Marvel Comics, Batman, DC Comics, Pirates In The Caribbean, Harry Potter; literally endless options, but you were looking for Star Wars.

There was one set you really wanted, the "Ultimate Collectors Series Lego Millennium Falcon" coming in at 7541 pieces overall. It was massive, and you wanted it.

Though, there was a problem, you were broke. You had just bought Jenna a really expensive necklace for her valentines day gift. You don't regret buying it because you know she'll love it, but you can't help but feel a little sorry for yourself over the fact you can't afford to buy a set you REALLY wanted.

You caressed the box that displayed the sets box art, and the blocky contents held within its cardboard frame. "One day you'll be mine" you whispered to the large box as if it were sentient.

But unbeknownst to you, Jenna was peeking from around the shop entrance out of your view, watching you stare in awe of the gargantuan LEGO ship. She knew right then and there that this was the perfect gift to get you.

"Oh Y/N/N you're in for a surprise" She chuckled to herself mischievously.

"Oh Y/N/N you're in for a surprise" She chuckled to herself mischievously

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(literally Jenna from around the corner watching you)


(Present day)

It was the moment both of them had been waiting for. It was gift giving time. You and Jenna have treated yourselves to a valentines day brunch and just got back home. You were eager for her to recieve her gift, and she felt the same about hers.

You opened the door for her upon entering your house "Why aren't just a gentleman" she said, with a kiss on the lips as reward for your politeness. You went over to the spot where you hid the box that contained the necklace and hid it behind your back.

You walked over to Jenna with a smile on your face. She cocked an eyebrow and smirked knowing you had something behind your back. "Honey, what are you hiding?" You smiled as she waited with eager anticipation.

Taking a deep breath, you began "Jenna, in all my years of living you've given me more joy than I could've ever imagined. You're are the absolute light of my life and today I just wanted to give you something as a token of my undying gratitude." You pulled the box out from behind you and presented it to her.

Jenna gently took the box from your hands and opened it. The jewels from the diamond necklace were almost blinding as they reflected across her skin, her eyes went wide as soon as they set upon them.

Jenna was barely able to contain a squeal of pure joy and excitement, settling for a loud gasp instead. A small note was under where the necklace sat. It read "Happy Valentines day, Jenna. I love you. P.S im broke now becuz of u <3 - your forever person, Y/N"

Jenna laughed upon reading the note and tears dripped down her face, which brought a smile yours knowing you did good with your gift. She held your held "You are the champion of making me happiest person in the world, Y/N L/N. You are the kindest, sweetest and most adorable person I've ever had pleasure of knowing and I'm glad to call you, my lover."

You blushed hard at the comment. The two of you leaned in and shared a loving kiss to commemorate the love you felt for each other, a love that will stand the test of time no doubt. Jenna leaned away and continued her speech.

"Which is why I got you something too." You waited to find out what it was but she just laughed. "You're gonna wanna sit down for this one" you were heavily confused but laughed and shrugged. You sat down on the couch and closed your eyes.

Your heard Jenna rummaging around to get your gift, her grunting implied that it was something heavy or large. She placed the large box in your lap and placed your hands at the top, holding them tightly.

"This is something I got for you to show you how much I adore you. I love you so much, sweet boy and there are so many more gifts to come" she says and kisses the top of your head. "Open your eyes, bunny"

You did as you were told and soon recognised the box art from the LEGO set you admired from days past. You let out a loud gasp, mostly out of shock, and Jenna was just enjoying the sight.

You soon begin smiling widely like The Joker and tears brimmed at you eyes. "Jenna..." you sniffled. She really did that for you. How did she even know? "How did you...?" You stuttered, unable to focus on what your voice sounded like. You were too excited to care.

Jenna took her place next to you on the couch "Let's just say I have my ways. Happy Valentines day, bunny. I love you more than gifts could ever describe" She kissed you temple and laid her head on your shoulder.

This was a Valentines Day success for sure.


Short one but I hardly have the time to write so I hope you enjoyed this one. Not proofread.

Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now