Are you okay?

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Jenna POV

Y/N's been really quiet lately, I mean more quiet than usual anyway but never like this with me. He's usually never afraid to speak his mind, in fact he's usually brutally honest but now... just silence... and I don't like it one bit. I need to figure out what's wrong.

He's currently building a Lego set upstairs, he's a real collector for that sort of stuff, he has his own room separate from our bedroom that contains his gaming setup, action figure collection and lego collection. To say my Y/N is a nerd would be a massive understatement, but I wouldn't have him any other way because he's absolutely perfect. I make my way over to his other room to try and talk to him and figure out what's bothering him.

I knock on his door twice to announce my arrival "babe you in there?" I call only to be met with a small "mmhmm", not unusual behaviour from him; like I said he's quiet but it worries me none the less. "Can I come in, sweetie?" I ask polity "okay" he says quietly 'whats with the quietness' I thought to myself.

I see him sitting at his desk building some Legos, he said it was a very relaxing hobby for him and gives him a sense of accomplishment. "Hey hon' watcha doing" I say cheerfully because I was genu happy to see him. "Building" he says bluntly, seemingly annoyed by my presence. "I see that, is it from Star Wars? I know you really like...

"Look Jenna I just wanna be left alone, okay?" He says bluntly, his tone sharp as a knife. He's never spoken to me like this before especially in this harsh tone.

"Y/N, sweetheart what's wrong?" I say a little heartbroken by the way he just spoke to me. "Nothings wrong just leave me be." He says sharply again, he'd give Wednesday a run for her money honestly.

I noticed the dry tear tracks on his cheeks, he had definitely been crying and by the looks of it, fairly recently too. This would explain his mood. I press on a bit further, determined to find the problem.

"Y/N, are you okay sweetheart?" I say, he quickly glanced at me then returned his gaze to his Legos "I'm fine" he said but his voice betrayed him as I heard the sadness within it.

"I don't think you are fine, sweetie. You've got tears tracks on your cheeks babe you're not fine at all, please talk to me baby boy" I say desperately trying to get an answer. "You wouldn't understand" he says barely above a whisper. I turned his head to face me and cupped his cheeks "please" I say softly.

His eyes turn glassy, wetness forming in them as he sniffles softly "Percy called me retarded" he said quietly. "WHAT?!" I'm in complete disbelief. Despite my numerous rejections, Percy has been trying to get with me for months but I explained to him that our relationship was professional. He's said and done a lot of things but THIS is unacceptable.

Y/N broke instantly, the tear floodgates had truly opened and were spilling down his face like a dam. He's a fragile person and calling him such a vulgar slur with such malice is disgusting.

"Y/N can I hold you baby" he nodded erratically and threw himself into my arms, burying his face in my neck. His tears were making my neck wet but it didn't matter he was all that mattered. "Why can't I just be normal?" He sobbed out, anger swelling within me; not towards him but towards Percy Hynes White.

"Shhhh don't say that babe, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you, being autistic doesn't make you less of a person." It seems to calm a bit so I continue to speak while stroking his back, "what he said was absolutely vile, sweetheart and it isn't true. He's everything wrong with the world put into one person and you're the exact opposite of that."

He lifts his face out of my neck. "You don't think I'm retarded?" I felt my heart shatter, Percy really got in his head. "No sweet boy, you're not retarded. Never think of yourself like that, it breaks my heart that you'd even have to question that." I say with absolutely sincerity. "You really mean it?" Pull him into a kiss on the lips, we pull away and he got the message that I meant what I said.

"Thanks babe, you're far too kind to me" he says making me chuckle. "Nonsense you deserve every ounce of love in this world and I'll give you all of mine" I say "c'mere sweetheart" we embrace each other and began kissing the top of his head.

"Can I build legos with you" I ask and his eyes brighten and nods enthusiastically which makes me kiss all over his beautiful face. He so wonderful.

My sweet boy.

Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now