Cheer up Baby Boy

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Requested by Bat117

TW: Depression, cancer, death, child abuse, reader has mommy issues

3rd person POV

6 years ago

"Time of death: 16:05. I'm sorry Y/N, he's gone" Those words that came from the doctor's mouth left Y/N utterly destroyed. He stood still as he watched the doctors and nurses with draw from the lifeless body of his father.

Y/N's father had been battling a very serious case of non-hodgkin's lymphoma; cancer to put it bluntly. Chemotherapy and radiation wasn't doing anything to mitigate his illness, only really making him feel worse after session.

There was always a hope in the back of Y/N's mind, a hope that his father would make a miraculous turn around and beat his battle with the dreaded
disease. But that's all it was; a hope

Alas, his father would die and his mother would be the only family he had left. Though, she wouldn't be around much longer either. He would never truly get over his father's death, not like his mother who didn't even support his dad through his chemo session. She'd probably forgot about him a long time ago.

1 year later

"God damn it, Y/N. Get me my god damn smokes for fucks sake!" This had become the new norm for him now. With no dad or any other family member to take him in he was forced to live with his mother.

He knew this was only because she'd recieve monetary benefits from the government if she took him in, she didn't have a job, nor could she bothered to find gainful employment.

Y/N got her cigarettes from the grocery begrudgingly, knowing he's just feeding her addiction; or one of her addictions. "Those things will kill you eventually" he says, though it fell on deaf ears as her attention was fully focused on the new episode of Judge Judy.

Eventually she turned around to face him, cigarette in hand "The only thing bad for my body was having you, boy. I mean look at you, your spaz ass can't even hold eye contact for less than a second" she laughed to herself.

Y/N, however, was unfazed by this comment as he was deep into his math homework that he was given on the day. She told him school was just a waste of time for him, because, as she out it "Spastics don't have a place in the world" a stark contrast from his dad's encouraging words.

But as time went on Y/N learned to block out all of his mother vile obscenities and remembered what his father would say, the unconditional love he had for his son that pushed him to go the distance and get outstanding grades.

His grades were an A+ at best and a B- at worst. Either way, he was a good student. Not good enough to gain the attention of his drug addicted mother, but good enough for him.

"Y/N pass me the TV remote would ya?" He sighed then got up with a huff, the remote was only an arms length from the table in front of her. He reached for the remote, only to knock her beer over and spill it all over the carpet.

"YOU GOD DAMN MORON!" a backhanded slap was received for his accidental spillage over the carpet. The velocity of the slap itself sent Y/N straight to the floor, barley being able to register the stinging sensation on his cheek.

Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now