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TW: Depression, poly' relationship

2139 words

Requested by Bat117 sorry this took so long bud. Hope you enjoy!


Wednesday and Enid have barely interacted with me the last two weeks, I've barely gotten a "Hey Y/N" from either of them. Wednesday was usually open with me emotionally, but has been giving me the cold shoulder.

Enid has been hanging around with Ajax more often than not, while Wedn has been seen with Xavier and I haven't faintest clue why. Ajax is at least a nice dude, but Xavier? Dudes a creepy guy and an asshole.

I'm not the best socially; comes with the autistic territory I suppose so all this could be a massive misunderstanding, but the thought of those two breaking up with me secretly and finding new partners has plagued my mind for the past week.

My roommate, Yoko has picked up on my lack of sleep. She suggests that I should just talk to them, though I'm afraid of the answer I'll get given Wednesday's new-found attitude towards me. I'd hoped to never be on the receiving end of that.

I don't know how much more of this I can take. The thought of them kissing either boy made me sick and sad, not to mention the self deprecating thoughts I had in my brain slowly brainwashing me into thinking I'm not good enough to be with them.

I didn't want to acknowledge those thoughts, but it's kind of hard not to when they're in your head at every waking moment.

I swung my legs while sitting on my bed, hoping either Wednesday or Enid would come in, and at the very least talk to me, I haven't gotten those images of them with Ajax and Xavier out of my mind, to say I was jealous was putting it lightly.

The door to my dorm opened, I sat up in anticipation hoping it was was them ready to take me into their arms, snuggling me to near bone crushing levels. Alas, it was Yoko who had just got back from Jericho, buying a gift for her and her girlfriend's anniversary.

She turned to me and spoke. "Hey bud, still no word from them yet?" I shake my head and a sigh comes from Yoko, she walks towards me and sits beside me on my bed.

My vision became wet as tears threatened appear. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask desperate for an answer.

"I thought I made good progress in my relationship with Wednesday and Enid, and now they're not even talking to me!" I broke down, hugging me knees to me chest.

Yoko took it upon herself to wrap her arms around me, I was desperate for any kind of affection I could get so I clutched onto her tight. "It's gonna okay, Y/N/N I promise. I'll talk to Enid and see what's going on.

I held on tighter and she did the same. "Thanks yoko, I appreciate that" I say gratefully.

"Anytime Y/N" she says.


It's lunch break after 3rd period, I'm sitting with Yoko and Divina in the quad, my eyes trying to get a fix on either Wednesday's or Enid's location, they found neither.

Divina spoke up, her hand held mine in reassurance. "Don't worry they'll turn up." She smiled and I meekly nodded my head.

Xavier and his cronies are laughing obnoxiously behind, clearly finding something hilarious. I roll my eyes and ignore them, tapping my fingers on the table in anticipation for Wednesday and Enid's arrival.

But suddenly one of them said something that immediately caught my attention. "So are you gonna ask Wednesday out or what Xavier?" One of them said. "Ask her out?" I thought to myself.

Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now