I'll hold you tight, sweetheart

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Jenna POV

Y/N's anxiety has been increasingly problematic for him. His mom died a week ago and his dad... well the less said about him the better.

Y/N's mom was an absolute sweetheart, she took care of him by herself, providing him with the best life she could. She was a nurse; my mom and her worked together and were friends too.

After her death Y/N fell into a deep depression, he hasn't spoke that much all week. Honestly, I can't blame him, his mama was his best friend and the only family that ever loved him and she was gone. I can't imagine losing a parent like that.

My mom asked me to watch him closely, he's gonna be extra vulnerable now that his mother was gone.

My mom gave me a stethoscope, I was confused at first but she told me that Y/N's mom used to listen to his heart and hold him close during panic attacks and meltdowns, she would also rock him and whisper sweet words in his ear to lower his heart rate. It was an unusual method, but it worked for him and I'd do it because I love him so much. I'm all he has left now and I'm gonna take care of him.

He's been in the bedroom all day which doesn't surprise me, the loss of his mom was tearing him up inside. I try to communicate with him but I most of the time he doesn't answer. I have to help him, he's suffering and he needs my help.

I knock on the door to announce and announce my arrival. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" I recieve no answer so I tried again. "Sweetie, I'm gonna come in okay?" I walk in to find Y/N laying down on the bed, one word came to mind when I saw him; pain, he was in great pain.

I sat on his bedside and saw the dark bags under his eyes, complemented by the sweat, ruffled hair and dry tear tracks on his face. My heart shattered at the sight of him, he needed love now more than ever.

"Hi baby boy, how are you feeling?" No answer came; just deafening silence. "Sweet boy, can you talk to me please, you haven't spoken in days honey and I'm worried about you." Still no response, not even looking in my direction.

I Look at his figure, he looks thinner and skin is paler than a ghost. He's starving himself and looked dehydrated. "Babe when was the last time you ate and drank?" He sniffles, still looking away from me but eventually says something

"2 days ago".

I was worried sick and quickly grabbed a water bottle, he needed to drink water. I held the water bottle to his lips. "Drink up for me angel" he gulped down the water hesitantly and drank till he finished the bottle.

"Jenna..." he says, a sniffle followed shortly after.

"Yes baby boy?" I cup his cheek and he broke immediately "I miss my mom..." he began sobbing profusely and an ocean of tears began streaming down his face.

"Sweetie..." I sit beside him and cradled him in my lap. He sobbed into my neck but I didn't care, he was hurting and needed to get his emotions out.

"I want my mom back!" He screamed and my heart shattered.

He was broken at the loss of his mom, she was his best friend and she was gone. "Jenna, I want my mom back! She has to come back, she can't leave me!'

He screams, making my eyes well up. I so desperately wanted to take away the pain he was feeling, but all I could do was be there for him. "I'm so sorry sweetheart, I'm so so sorry."

"Mama please come back, please don't leave me!" He was wailing in sorrow, I've never him like this before; never seen him so sad. "Jenna, I don't know what to do, she meant everything to me!" He cried, I was at a loss for words trying to figure out what to say. No amount of comfort could ever bring the one person he loved most back.

"Shh shh shh, I know you loved her so much mi amor, and she loved you just as much. I'm so sorry for your loss, sweetie."

He started hyperventilating, his anxiety was increasing. "What about my dad, surely he's gonna try and get in contact with me again. He beat me and mom Jen' I can't see him again, I won't!"

His chest began to rise and fall at an alarming rate, his heart rate began to spike; this was a panic attack. He shook violently in my lap, the mere mention of his father had brought him to this state I can't even imagine what hell he put him and his mom through.

I reached for my stethoscope that my mom had given to me, his mother did this for him so I might work if I did it too. I put the stethoscope in my ears and rubbed the end of it in my palm to warm it up, he hates cold metal on his skin and I didn't want to overstimulate more than he already was.

I placed the stethoscope on his chest, listening to his heart while cradling him in my lap as he cried and shook, rocking him back and forth gently. "Shhhh it's ok sweetheart, he's never gonna see you ever again. You're safe with me and I'll always protect you." I kiss his forehead to make sure he knows he's very much loved.

"Deep breaths sweetheart, slow deep breaths for me while I listen with the stethoscope okay?" I cooed and nods keeping his face in my neck, I rub his back in comfort as I hear his heart begin to slow with each deep breath.

"Good job, is this helping honey? He nods "Alright hon', just keep taking deep breaths for me while I listen okay. You're doing an incredible job my sweet boy I'm so proud of you."

This went on for another 10 min until his heart got slower and slower until it was at its normal rhythm, I kept listening to his chest and rocking him until he knew he was safe in my arms.

"Shhhhh, there there, you're okay sweetie everything's gonna be okay. I'm here with you now, just me and you nobody else. You're so safe with me Y/NN I'd never ever let anyone hurt you.' I cooed lovingly and kissed his hair multiple times showing my endless love for him.

He snuggles further into me and I only cradle him tighter in my lap and place a few more kisses on his forehead, cheeks and lips. His heart sounds steady.

"You did so well honey, I'm so very proud of you for calming down for me, you were so brave." The shaking subsided but I kept rocking him gently. "Please let me help you through this, Y/N. I can't bare the thought of you suffer in silence."

He nodded against me, seemingly non verbal from all the stress. "Hey, why don't you rest of a bit for me okay? It looks like you haven't slept in days love bug, I need you to rest for me and recuperate your strength."

"Please don't go." He says, his frame still small in my arms. "I'm not going anywhere, love bug. I'm staying right here with you in my arms *kisses forehead* I'm never leaving you." I take off the stethoscope and put it around my neck; like how a doctor would.

And with that, we lay down on the bed and I put his head on my chest, his tears have soaked my shirt but that didn't matter.

"Your mom would be so proud of you, buddy. I know she would be, just like I'm proud of you. Let's do something fun tomorrow, yeah? We can go anywhere you want because you deserve it." I say, I wanted to take his mind off things. He needed some joy in his life.

He nodded and I hug him tightly as I stroke his hair. "I love you Jenna, I love you so much." He says warming my heart. "I love you too sweetheart, everything's gonna be ok, just rest now for me, precious.

His eyes slowly close and I feel his soft breaths on my neck as I rock him gently. He's gonna be okay, I know he will. "Sweet dreams sweetheart, I love you." I kiss his forehead and slowly drift off to the land of slumber.

He was gonna be okay.


This was kind of a personal chapter for me. My mom died 2 years ago from covid. She was a nurse and a real hero, should would calm me down like this everytime I had a panic attack or meltdown. She really was my best friend. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this.

Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now