Meeting The Family

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An idea by Birchtree16.

3725 words

Not proofread

This is set in the same timeline as "I'll hold you tight sweetheart"

Jenna POV

"Babe please don't panic, they'll love you I know they will" I say to Y/N who's extremely nervous to meet my family. He's currently sitting cross-legged on our bed, clicking his fingers. Stimming. "Bubs do you need a stim toy right now?" He shook his head but beckoned me to sit down next to him on the bed.

I take my place next to him "Can I hold you, angel?" He nodded, I snaked one of my arms around his waist, the other pressing his head to my chest, my heartbeat always calmed him down. "What's got you so upset, love bug?" He opened his mouth; only for stuttered mumbles to come out instead of words. "Shh shh shh there, there, it's okay baby, take deep breaths. Honey, what's wrong?"

"I-I uh... I'm scared" he confesses to me.

"Why, baby?" Scared? Why scared?

"I'm scared of giving the wrong impression. I have no family, Jenna. My mother is gone, my father hates me and the rest of my family have completely disowned me long ago. You're the only person I have left in the world, and I can't bare the thought of me making a bad impression on your family, causing them to resent me." He sighs heavily after getting that off his chest, snuggling deeper into me.

"Oh baby, it'll be okay. You could never make a bad impression." I cooed, hoping that would lift his spirits. I rocked him in my arms to keep him grounded. "Like I said to your before, my family is your family now and they would certainly love to have you."

He sighed "That's not the only reason I'm scared, Jenna." He took a deep breath "I'm scared of you dad too." He admits, this took me by surprise.

"My dad? Why are you scared of my dad?" I ask curiously.

He hesitates for a moment but eventually confesses "Any father figure scares me, years of abuse at the hands of my own father did that to me. Instincts I suppose." He shuddered at the thought of his father. "I know it's completely irrational to think like that, your father is a good man but--"

I cut him off "Baby boy it isn't irrational. You're father emotionally tortured you and your mother for years, your brain is programmed to fear father figures because that's all you've ever known; being terrified of your father."

He lifted his head off my chest "I'm sorry, Jenna. I don't mean to be difficult, bringing my problems along with me everywhere I go. God I'm such a f--"

I cut him off again, not allowing anymore self deprecating comments "No baby, no more negative comments. You're not difficult baby boy, you went through something awful and you're still healing." My hand cards through his hair as I spoke, pulling his head back to my chest.

"It's okay to be weary baby. I don't expect you to trust them straight away, do you remember how long it took you to trust me?" He nodded "and did I stop trying?" He shook his head. "That's right, I didn't stop trying because I love you, and I'm not abandoning you now. I'm in this with you forever, remember?." He nodded again.

"I'll be right beside the whole time my love. If at any time you get uncomfortable, we'll leave straight away I promise." He nodded, still a bit shaky. "Do you want me to drive, hon'? He nodded and I kissed the top of his head. "Alright sweetness let's get ready and we'll leave soon" and with that we got up and started to get changed.

-1 hour later

We just pulled into my parents driveway. Y/N was on edge, constantly looking around the house as if he's searching for potential threats.
I cupped his cheek softly so I wouldn't frighten him, my thumb rolling ever so gently in circles "It's alright baby, no one's coming to hurt you. This place is safe I promise." He looks back at me, then the house, then back at me before nodding.

Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now