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871 words

Jenna POV

Y/N and I just got back from the Doctor to get his prescription for his anxiety meds. He doesn't like taking them, as goes for any medication he has to take, but he needs them in times like these.

He's done so well with going to his appointments, even if he's not confident to go to them by himself he still makes the effort because he cares and wants to look after himself.

However, he can be a little stubborn despite what he'd tell you. He'll refuse to take them sometimes, says the meds make him drowsy, I don't blame him to be honest they do take a lot of energy out of him.

His social battery has practically been drained from having to talk to the receptionist, doctor and pharmacist so talking was gonna be kept to a minimum, which isn't a problem at all because I'm proud of how far he's come to even do that.

He's sitting on the couch playing with hands, he needs his meds but getting him to take them is a different conversation entirely. I'll have to be patient and convince him that it's okay to take them, he's always skeptical about taking them.

I walk up to him and try to get through to him. "Honey you alright? You're fidgeting a lot there, what's on your mind?" He shrugs; like I said his social battery is drained.

"You feeling anxious?" I ask being careful of what to say. He nods his head shyly keeping his hands in his sleeves.

I decided that getting an idea of how anxious he is would determine whether he should take them or not. "Can you tell me how anxious you're feeling right now on a scale of one to ten?" His mouth opened but no words formed, only exasper gasps; he's non verbal.

He immediately hides his face out of embarrassment, he hates being non verbal; finding it extremely frustrating when he can't say how he feels.

"Hey hey hey, that's okay if you can't speak right now babe, can you use your fingers to tell me how bad it is out of ten?" He nods and begins using his fingers to tell me his level of anxiety.

He held up seven fingers, I'd say that's high enough for him to need his meds. "Let me feel your pulse, sweetie." I felt his jugular pulse and it was going quite quick, so was his breathing.
"Your heart's a little fast sweetie, so is your breathing. Are you panicking a little?" He nods.

"Here hold my hand, squeeze if you need to. Take deep breaths with me, in *inhales* and out*exhales*. Good job baby, keep up with those deep breaths for me."

I sit him on my lap and hold him tight with his head on my shoulder, his legs wrapped around my waist as I rock him from side to side as a grounding technique. He was shaking slightly from his oncoming anxiety.

"Oh my sweet baby, I'm here. I'm here for as long as you need me for. I know today was a lot and I'm gonna help you get through it, okay? Just relax in my lap love bug, shhhh." I rub his back while giving him head scratches, that always calmed him a bit.

"I'm your safe space remember, nothing can hurt you when I'm with you. You're safe honey, you're always safe with me." His breathing began to slow and my rocking stops to look in his beautiful eyes.

"Do you wanna take your meds for me?" He shrugs again, atleast it's not a no so this might be easier than anticipated.

"How about this, we give you your meds and we can cuddle for as long as you want, your gonna be really tired after taking them so you may aswell rest with me. Does that sound good?" He nods and gets off my lap so I can prepare his meds.

I prepare a glass of water and bring it to the living room where he is. "Here you go babe" I say handing him the pills. I hold up the glass of water to his lips and he swallows the pills while I help him drink the water "drink up baby boy, you're doing really good" he hates taking pills.

He finishes his water and his pills are swallowed. "All done, good job babe." I say cheerfully and kiss his forehead. I seat him back in my lap and lay down on the couch with his head on my chest.

After about 10 minutes he begins to yawn and his eyes become droopy, indicating his sleepiness. "Feeling sleepy, sweetheart?" He nods and I rub his back and rock him to help lull him to sleep.

"I'll hum you a lullaby, just drift off in my arms bubs, it's okay shhhh." I kiss the top of his head with love. The shushing, kisses and rocking made his head woozy and he closed his eyes, my humming was enough to lull him into a deep sleep.

I sighed with contentment, he was wrapped in my arms, light snores filling out the silence. My eyes slowly shut as I followed him into sleep with him snuggled up in my arms.


A quick fic for you all. If you have any requests or suggestions please don't hesitate to comment or message me.

Jenna Ortega x Autistic!Male!Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now