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•8 years ago•

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•8 years ago•

"Mother come, its time" i rush, eager to wake John because today father wont be home till next week and I'm in such a rush to enjoy this week with mother and John. We're going to the park to get ice cream then we're going to the zoo and after that mother promised to take us to the water park because we were so well behaved this week, and it's my 13th birthday.

Father never aloud me and my brother to have fun, the only "fun" he aloud was teaching us how to fight. He said fun is for people who want to get killed in this tipe of word which i don't understand what he means. I've learned not to ask questions anymore, if i ask questions I'm afraid of the consequences.

The last time i asked father something he broke a glass bottle violently, took one of the sharp broken pieces then he told me to put my hand on the counter and drew an x on the back of my hand. All I asked was why did he look so sad.

"Im on my way sweetheart, did you wake John?" My mother shouted in her funny voice from upstairs making sure I could hear her. "I'm trying but he keeps being stubborn. " i shout back. John is 3 years older than i am he's 16 and he's my best friend, and also father's favourite. But that never bothers me because mother and John loves me thats all I needed.

"John wake up, come on please its my birthday. Wake. Up." I slap him lightly between the words wake and up. "hggg" slap "okay okay I'm up gee!" Finally "Down stairs, come on sleepy head"

I run down the stairs in this gigantic house, buy the time I'm down stairs I'm out of breath. "Damn I'm out of shape" i say panting while mother laugh's "Not funny" John arrives down stairs more with breath than me. Show off. We both sit on the couch in-front of mother that has a-lot of presents in front of her. I wonder how she hid them from father because he said I'm not allowed presents if its not from him.

And every year on my birthday since I was five he would hit me with a belt, the age i was turning is how many hits I received. That was my present. "mother how did you hide these from father?" John read my mind. I love him so much.

"Today we are not talking about that man, but its not important. The important thing is your sister is going to have an amazing day with an amazing brother and a-lot of presents. Isn't that right Francesca?" " one hundred perc-"

"What the fuck is going on here?" No no no please no. That voice, its the same voice that haunts me. Not today please. "Honey you're back?" Mother looks horrified, John is standing in-front of me and me, I'm slowly waiting for what happens every year this day. But somehow i have a feeling today is going to be worse. A-lot worse

"Well of course i am. Today is my daughter's birthday, I wouldn't miss it for the world." He sounds calm, why is he calm? "Joseph please, let her have today i beg you" 13 hits, 13, 13,13,13 "My dear wife I'm not going to hit her thirteen times today. Ho no, that is just to much." 13,13,13 "I have something even more special." I peak through John's arm to look at father. He isn't holding a belt but instead a gun. Oh no I'm going to die. "Joseph no please you can't she's our baby gir- " Bang.

My eyes are shut, as if i was expecting it to be me, but as I open my eyes i see mother's live less body in a red liquid but her eyes are still open. I'm still looking at my mother while John is pulling me up the stairs to his room covering my mouth with his hand pulling me under his bed, holding me tightly.

But the only image in my head is mother. Dead, and its my fault. " Come out you little slut its your turn." There's a gun under the bed, like John was prepared for this, prepared for him. "Francesca stay under the bed okay don't move please promises me" John wishers out of breath. I nod my head. "I- I promise" " good, i love you little bug." " love you more" he peck's me on the head before he leaves.

"Where is that little shit? Where are you hiding her boy?" I grab the gun holding it tight prepared to use my training father trained me agents him. Why would he do this? What did i ever do wrong for him to hate me like this? Am i the problem, am i the reason mother is dead? Oh God please don't let John die, he's all i have left. Pleas John be okay! "Don't you fucking dare go so much as near her i will fucking end you!"

"Boy you will talk to me with respect i am your father. Unless you want to end up like you're mother I suggest you tell me where she is?" Im gonna die! John is gonna die! Mother is dead! What have i done? Bang! bang! bang!

The door swings open and I'm trying to be quiet but my sobs give me away. Next thing I know I'm not under the bed anymore. Father is gripping my throat tight i can't breathe. But all i can think about is John. I hope he's okay.

He's smirking at me. He always makes this face when he's gonna hurt me, i just want to be with mother and John. "You little slut. Think you can just ruin my life and not think there's going to be consequences?" I can see stars but there not in the sky. How weird?

"You stupid little girl! You and your mother ruined my life. Its time for me to fix it by giving you to Johnathan Meadows" he drops me to the ground causing me to hit my head hard I almost see black. Coughing and panting but the pane is not enough to forget what name he just uttered. He was going to sell me to the most ruthless mafia don in Italy "It's time you be put to a good cause. Its an amazing present don't you think" No no no please no

Just when I thought i was going to die John is kneeling in-front of me covered in blood. "Its going to be okay little bug I promise, just stay with me please." He's holding me agent's his chest straddling me. " listen to my heart beat okay, focus stay with me!" "I wont let him i promise do you hear me"

John is ripped from me, thrown against a wall "I don't know how merry and John could love you, I truly don't get it." He laughs and points the gun in John's direction, putting his finger on the trigger. Bang! My eyes are pinched close but i bring myself to force away the self pity rushing my way to my brother still holding my gaze on my father.

When i looked at Joseph he's staring at the ground. I follow his gaze slowly, almost scared that I'll look and find what I fear most. And i do. I see my brother dead, covered in blood, lying in is own pool of read liquid.

Shaking and shouting at him trying anything just to try and wake him up, he can't leave me, i wont alow it he cant. But he doesn't wake up hes gone the man I called my father shot the only person i had left on this hell we call earth.

" Look what you made me do, my only air gone. Once again proved me why i should just throw you to Medows and let him have his little fin with you." I am numb, i lost everything and being thrown to the wolves to have there fun. So why feel when it only brings me more pain?

Violently Joseph grabs me by my hair and pulls me up, with a firm grip on my hair he grabs my face with another firm grip, i don't even bother to flinch. "This," he points around the room and to the door. " is all on you, you killed merry and John, just by being born. Merry was a waist and John was too soft, never would have made it. And you born a disappointment, meant to be used and killed would be finally put to the purpose you were made for."

I spat on his face not making any sound when a hard sting met the side of my face. Id deserve that for killing my family by being born.

"Fucking slut, where you're going you wont dare pulling such a stunt. You think I'm the devil, just wait till your the Meadows property, you wont last a day!"

With that i feel a cloth beneath pressed to my face. I don't even bother to struggle. I deserve this. My vision goes blurry till there is nothing left but a comfortable darkness.


1612 words people, wish I could write this many word in a essay haha.
But n e way this was the first chapter. Feel really bad for baby Francesca but there is a reason I promise.

My word goal is 3000 words so we'll see :)
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter
Love yea

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