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This wasn't how i had pictured my evening going

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This wasn't how i had pictured my evening going. I was aware that we had a meeting today, but apparently I wasn't that aware because i was late.

In my defence chatter box who everyone calls Henry, was an hour late so everyone could suck on that. Emphasis on 'suck'.

I was surrounded by 4 people one of whom was Elijah. The others were Helen, Henry and Josh.

Helen was seated next to me looking hungover as shit but still managed to look hella sexy in her all black strapless two peace top and long loose pants.

Henry over here who was seated next to Josh had ash blond hair with neatly loose curls sitting on his head. He had a tank top with light blue jeans. That tank top did little to nothing for the imagination. Leaving on display his muscles and tattoos.

Josh was a more serious and quiet person in a suit. He looked like he could rip you limb from limb but he truly was just a giant teddy bear. He had blue eyes just like mine and chocolate brown curls resting on his head.

They should really call this the hulk mafia cuzz holy fuck were these men jacked.

Then there was Elijah once again in a plane black suit. His existence already irritating me. He leaned on the table with strong forearms, which i might have looked at a second to long.

I was trying hard not to focus on those infuriating broad shoulders that were right in my line of vision as he leaned on the glass surface.

Por le amor de Dios. I needed to stop... checking him out. My starved brain was clearly struggling to behave normally. (For the love of god)

I needed to focus, ASAP.

"There will be a gala that we need to attended by Alfred. The don of the Russian mafia. Me and Francesca are expected to make an announcement of our marriage but also we will have to kidnap Alfreds son, Angelo. He has information on Jonathan and Joseph."

Elijah looked down just as i glanced up at him. He searched my face for a brief moment that seemed to stretch into a full - and very uncomfortable - minute.

"This meeting I arranged will be about the planning of how this mission is going to play out." My arms crossed in front of my chest as i and the others proceeded to listen.

Well me and some of the others. Henry was fixing his hair.

"We will all wear wires connected to our ears that will allow Josh to listen in from the car. Josh will be in the vehicle keeping an eye on the motion cameras, giving us directions and sight of Angelo and also any particular obstacles."

"Henry and Helen will go as each other's plus one's and will also be keeping an eye out for any potential problems."

"Francesca," he said, and I hated how my name sounded on his lips in that precise moment.

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