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present day

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.present day.

Today 2920 days ago i was gifted to the devil. The man father promised would put me to my purpose, the man he promised would use and destroy me. Save to say promises were kept.

Ive been locked in a cell under the Meadows mansion for 2920 days, 417 weeks, 96 months and 8 years. Which means it's my birthday, the day i always dreaded back home, the day mother and John was killed. What a fun day.

8 years ago
We had come to a stop on what felt like a gravel road when i heard a car door violently open then shut seconds after. Footsteps i heard approaching to the truck i was in, hands tied behind my back.

I wasn't scared not even a little, oh no i was furious, filled with rage and hate, my mind clogged with the images of my mother and brothers lifeless bodies. I had nothing left to be scared about not even myself since there was nothing left inside of me. Not anymore.

They were gone, and so was i.

The trunk had opened. Greeting me with the light of the night and stars in the sky. They were free i always envied them for that. Never scared of their father coming home, never scared of what to say, do or shouldn't, just free.

I was pulled out of the truck forced to pull my mind away from the sky. My knees were met with the sharp and rough ground as father pushed me down.

Footsteps were taken backward behind me but heard coming towards me from another someone now in front of me.

"Such a beauty, I'll be sure my son enjoys himself with this." He laughed, although that voice was vague and familiar. I knew who it was before he harshly gripped my face turning it side to side studying me.

Jonathan fucking Meadows.

I to gave a promise that day, to father and Jonathan. I would hunt them down torture them the amount of days i was locked up in here then still won't grant them the mercy of death.

In here i was met with men using me for there pleasure, starved, abused, tortured day after day, being trained to become a heartless monster going on missions that if i tried to escape i would be introduced to a pain like no other, and so help me if i made a sound, it would only get worse.

But they had made a mistake a huge one. Training me to become a death machine they thought they could use and would come back to bite them in the ass they were terribly mistaken.

From what i have heard daddy Meadows has gone into hiding leaving his son to do his work. I discovered this information from Rick, my guard. He pitted me always helping me when he could. When I received my one meal a day he would throw it away and bring me the most delicious food, always stitching me up after a mission or a round the men like to call "having fun with the leftovers" he's always there for me, always keeping me company. He's the only one i would think about not killing when I'm out of here.

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