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Im already dreading this

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Im already dreading this. First my team of fucking idiots say they lost the lead they had on dear old dad, then one of my casinos blast up in flames due to a bomb now this!

Sitting across from me is hell sent. A stubborn pain in my ass who i had never laid eyes on since 8 years ago that was a gift from Jonathan.

Francesca knight, my personal gift i received from father 8 years ago today, when i had turned 18 and she was only 13. I could never do something like that to a child. So i kept her and trained her for future purposes until i needed her, such as today.

It was her 20th birthday today and my 26th, the day i reserved her and the day she got here.

I remember the day as if it was yesterday.

Father had came back from a meeting but not alone, no he came back with a fucking child. Saying i could have my fun with her. I remember her eyes had no emotion no fear just hate, for a 13 year old it was insane, i always had wondered what had happened for her to be so heartless at such a young age.

I was so furious i pulled a gun on him and shot him in the leg, the next day he was gone, leaving me to do his shit. Now i spend my days hunting down not only my father but hers too.

And i knew she wanted them to rot in hell just as much as i did. I was reminded of that when i looked into those beautiful ocean eyes of hers.

She is a gorgeous woman, i'll give her that. Long beautiful chocolate hair, blue ocean eyes that had no quit in them, slim body and amazing tanned skin. She is everything God sent. But i only see a little demon.

But fuck was she an annoying, stubborn pain in my ass just from the little time i knew her. Her clothes were torn and busted, her skin bruised and pail. It was almost heart wrenching because it was such a waste.

As we sat in silence holding our gaze, I relished this was a fucking bad but necessary idea. We sat there in silence for a few more minutes before she opened her mouth.

"So are you gonna tell me why the fuck I'm here or are we just going to sit here counting teeth?"

What the actual fuck! No one ever dared to talk to me like she does. They always tremble under my presence. But not Francesca, she held no fear in her eyes, to her it would be a blessing if I delivered a bullet through that head of hers, to be fair if i could i would, because she was infuriating. But unfortunately i can't.

Not yet at least.

"Dopo tutto questo ti uccideró ma non prima dia verti spezzato, piccolo demone." And that is a fucking promise. (After all this I will kill you but not before you are broken, little demon."

"After all what? You gotta actually communicate for me to understand why the fuck I'm here" she understands Italian, of course she does

"First i want you to stop disrespecting me and talk to me with respect considering i wont fucking hesitate to put a bullet through that pretty little head of yours. Second if I speak you shut the fuck up."

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