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Small beads of sweat formed on my forehead

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Small beads of sweat formed on my forehead. My heart beat hammered in my chest. Fucking nightmares!

I took a deep breath failing to slow down my breathing as I leaned back against my bed frame.

I dreaded sleeping. The events of that day playing over and over like a loop inside my head i cant escape. Reliving the picture in my head of my mother and brothers lifeless bodies.

I need a fucking drink, a strong one.

As i made my way downstairs and into the kitchen i was instantly confused. There were hundreds of cabinets. Well shit. How was i supposed to know where Elijah stores his alcohol?

See i would have taken the bourbon in my room but Helen and i had already drank it.

I made my way through every drawer, cupboard and fridge till i found what i was looking for.

A nice big cold bottle of Classic Pinot Noir red wine.

"Okay, wine, work with me here." I muttered to myself, as if the words would maybe make some kind of difference.

"I'll pour half of you, maybe everything of you down my throat then you could make me sleep, okay?"


The words echoed in the kitchen as if it had been my very expensive red wine answering.

But i wasn't that lucky.

"That was odd." The same deep voice came again but more with irritation in them. "But i guess it goes with your bitchy personality."

Not needing to lift my head to know who was behind that rich tone i closed my eyes.

Fuck you Francesca Knight. You summoned this evil entity into the kitchen, and you'll pay for this with a massive headache in the morning.

Cursing under my breath - because of course it had to be him hearing me rally myself - I schooled my face into a natural expression and looked up from the counter.

"Odd? I like to think of it as endearing." "No." He answered quickly. Way to quickly for my liking.

After the meeting last night, i signed the marriage contract, leaving it on his desk in his office. Lucky for me he wasn't there.

My luck has run out.

"Its a little disturbing and fucking annoying when you say a couple of words. And you were having a full conversation with yourself."

I grabbed the wine bottle with full force. I breathed in and then out. "Im not so sorry, Elijah. But i don't have time to pick apart my quirks right now." I said holding my wine in the air.

Elijah made his way around the counter and stopped behind me.

I took half a step toward the counter, grinding the toes of my foot up against the counter wall.

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