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After a very successful shopping spree and sex toy shopping Elijah looked pissed

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After a very successful shopping spree and sex toy shopping Elijah looked pissed. Something I'm taking credit for giving the fact that I tested his limits in the sex store.

In my defence i loved to tease him, to see him struggle, i was going to take advantage of that and break him then cock block him.

Give him his little satisfaction then taking it away from him. Its genius.

And plus he gave zero fucks about me and i gave zero fucks about him.

I looked at Helen mouthing "What the fuck crawled up his ass." "You." She mouthed back.

I didn't do shit. Except for testing him but hey, whats the fun in making him regret his existence when i cant have my advantages.

Helen gasped making Elijah and his buddies pull out there guns. Everyone scattered some pulling there kids away. "Chill out cuz, I'm gasping at the lingerie store. Come on Cesca we have to go."

Not like i had a choice because she was literally dragging me into the store. It was just kinky underwear left and right, some gorgeous and some were just questionable.

Elijah swore under his breath ordering his men to wait outside.

Ooh i was going to have fun with this.

"Just act like you're hubby isn't here." She whisperer shouted into my ear, why even bother whispering when you clearly can not. "Trust me I'm planning to." I didn't like the fact that she addressed him as my husband. Even though i know he will be, the thought of not making my own decisions terrifies me, along with commitment. Even though i know neater one of us want this.

People were staring and keeping their distance. I wouldn't blame them. I would to if i saw a human hulk and his hulk buddies walking casually with guns into a lingerie store. Not something you see much often.

We walked to one of the aisles and immediately something caught my eye. It was this beautiful sexy black lace lingerie set with a lot of strings.

I picked it up, holding it against my body showing it to Helen, also making sure that Elijah could get a good view to.

"Girl oh my goodness yess! You would look so sexy in that." She said so proudly, taking the same set as me but just in red.

Elijah grunted taking a big breath. He was trying to control himself, and in doing so failing miserably, me being me i just made things worse.

"We should go try them on," i knew what i was doing but i had zero fucks to give.

"Fuck" he whispered to himself, trying to hide the fact that this did shit to him. Sorry to inform you big guy but there's more.

We made our way to the dressing rooms Helen in one and me in the other as we tried on our lingerie.

I struggled, there were to many things that had to go to too many places i didn't understand but eventually i managed it.

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