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I was reading the terms of the contract before i got to the questions

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I was reading the terms of the contract before i got to the questions. I was on my second bourbon before i decided to stop or ill get drunk and fuck up the contract.

It took me a while but after 4 long pauses, 1 shower break, 2 snack breaks and 45 position changes i was ready to get to question answering.

I flipped what felt like the tenth page and read the first question.

'Do you as the submissive allow your don to use bondage?' Why they gotta ask the question so weddingie?

I checked the 'yes' box and carried on to the next question. 'Do you as the submissive allow your don to over stimulate you?' It seems like a challenge and I squeeze my legs tight together at the thought of that.

In all the dark romance books i have read, this one was one of my favourites, so once again i check yes.

Before i continued i took a brief minute to scan Elijah's answer that were all directed to the submissive.

He said yes to choking, yes to sex toys, floggers, overstimulation and more. I was so thankful when he said no to putting me on a leash and treating me like a dog. Thank fuck.

I wanted to be extra and put the words 'hell fucking' before the 'no'

We liked the same things and disliked the same things which made this a-lot easier, but what had shocked me most was the gun and knife play. It thrilled me so i got horny just thinking about it.

I said yes to degrading, praising, rules, pain and more. But i had said no to a-lot of other stuff too.

After two hours i checked my last question then neatly putting it back on the table. It was almost past midnight so i decided I'll give it to him in the morning.

I needed some fresh air I haven't been outside since we went to the mall.

I went to my closet to get slippers and a black silk gown when I wondered why I haven't seen any of the men who had used me the eight years i was here?

I fucking wish to Fuck I wouldn't see them again even thought i know its a possibility.

I walked out the house and after walking and walking, i found this gorgeous garden with a tree swing above beautiful green grass and flowers. It was appealing and so full of life, there were all kinds of deferent flowers and plants. Non that i can name but all so colour full and elegant.

I made my way to the swing, sitting down it felt like after 20 years i could finally breathe and take a brake.

All my life i was constantly on card watching out for myself bracing myself for the next day or next minute. I never really allowed myself to just breathe.

My hand started to pinch a little, with that I used the thumb on my other hand outlining the 'x' father had made that one day. It was a painful and constant reminder that i could never really escape him, not even when we were so far away.

I never really allowed myself to look at my hand because every time i do i think back to everything that has ever happened.

- eight years ago -

"Father please we were only playing." I pleaded for him to understand hoping he would reason with me and let me go to momma but no matter what i did he didn't budge.

"Thats the problem child, playing is for the weak and stupid everything you have proven to be, you and that soft pathetic son of mine."

He grabbed a fist full of my hair tide it around his fist and pulled me to the closet next to John's room,

"You'll stay in here till i see fit you little brat"

He slammed the door closed and i heard metal against metal as he looked the door

-present day-

He locked me in that closet for nine days. No food and no water leaving me with nothing but my thoughts.

It was a punishment for both me and John because father knew we loved each other dearly thats why he locked me in the closet next to my brother's room. So that John would be forced to hear me cry and beg to be let out and he could do nothing but blame himself. After that day John and i never played together again.

"This seat taken?" A deep voice was heard in the echo of the night freeing me of my thoughts.

I turned to look at the man who had just made himself known. Josh.

"Hm no, no sit please." Josh was the quiet one the one i liked most out of all the men in this house.

He sat next to me on the swing as we sat in silence for a while enjoying the air.

It's weird how I'm not uncomfortable right now. Usually the presence of a man would make me uneasy but I'm surprisingly relaxed and so is he.

"Care to tell me what you're doing out here so late?" I was the first to break the silence.

"Same as you, trying to relax, get some fresh air." Was i that easy to read?

"Im Francesca, i know we have already met but i feel like doing it properly," he didn't turn his head to look at me instead he leered at the sky blinking with stars.

"Im Josh nice to meet you Francesca." The motion of my hands seems to have drawn his attention, I quickly hide my hand hoping he hadn't noticed what i was doing.

He turned his gaze back to the stars. "What happened?" Fuck.

"Hm minor injuries, was a rough kid." My voice cracked when I lied and I noticed he picked up on that but thankfully he could sense i didn't want to talk about it.

"I always envied the stars, they're so free no care in the world." That was random, but I get where he's coming from.

"Yeah, I miss just admiring them. First time in literally forever i guess." I was getting tired. I need to get inside before I pass out on the swing.

"I hope you have a great night Josh. Lovely to meet you." He was a man of few words. I guess it's understandable when your mind occupies you most of your life. Especially in a life like ours.

"Night Francesca."

And with that i went to my room and got comfortable under the covers before falling into the comfort of darkness.


Two updates one day imagine.

Trying to keep the chapters short for you guys but I'm a writer with to much ideas haha

1144 words

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