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Today was going to be a long ass fucking day

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Today was going to be a long ass fucking day. Me, Henry and Josh were going to go over the plans for the mission tomorrow and frankly to be honest i was not in the mood to sit with Henry's ass.

Henry and Josh were the only two men I trusted and so they were the only two men i could call my friends even tho i never told them.

Im not the affectionate tipe.

Henry and I knew each other since birth. Our families were substantial allies, more our fathers. But after Henry's father and mother were brutally killed after they tempered with the wrong people. He came to live with us ever since.

Josh we actually met almost a decade ago. He walked in the streets all bloody and beaten up with two gunshot wounds. At the time he spoke about a drug deal gone wrong but i knew there was more to the story. We took him in cleaned him up and after he told us he has magnificent computer skills we made him part of my mafia.

We had to ask some questions first and do some background checks and after that we took him in.

I took a shower then got dressed to go to my office to work on the final report about the galla slash mission tomorrow.

I lit up my cigar and started to go through it before a very familiar person walked through the door.

She looked breathtaking it that attire of hers. It was a beautiful matching white solid halter top and bodycon skirt. She was a gorgeous woman with an amazing pussy I'll give her that.

"Checked and signed." She said as she planted her ass on a chair dropping the contract in front of me on the desk.

Without giving another glance I leered through the papers. And I was stunned.

"How come it looks like you did this with full knowledge to what you are signing into? First you said you wanted to be my submissive, which i am now wondering how did you know what that was? Second, you corrected me by saying bdsm and third you checked everything yes and no, not even a 'willing to try' box is marked. How do you know what this is, Francesca?"

We both know why i was confused. I mean for fuck sakes she was locked up for eight years and before that she was too young to grasp the concept of this tipe of things.

"Elijah, the contract is signed I'm willing to do this. And for your question, I'm not giving an answer considering it's my business and not yours." She was rightfully mad, it was a sensitive subject.

"I assume you read through the contract before you signed it right?" I received a slight nod.

"Then you should know that for this to work we have to be honest." A irritated sigh echoed in the room before she continued to talk.

"This is not a relationship contract its a sex contract Elijah, for that being said i don't have to explain how i know shit, just know that i do. The contract is signed I'm willing to this."

She's right it is signed so she's quickly going to learn to shut her mouth.

"Let's go over this shall we." I adjusted the paperwork in front of me before leaning on the table with my finger's i tagged together under my chin.

"It's a good thing you checked yes to the rules part because thats where we're going to start. From now on if i ask something you answer immediately, you don't roll your eyes and you wont have an attitude. When we're in the red room or when you know what's about to happen you address me as sir, if i give you an instruction you do it. If you don't follow those simple rules, Francesca  you'll be punished. And trust me when i say i wont go easy on you.

I could tell my words had action to her body. The way her eyes darken and her cheeks were tinted bright pink, i also didn't miss the way her thighs were pushed together.

I slowly pushed the chair underneath me back, making my way towards her. As i stood behind her i forcefully turned the chair towards me, i placed my hands on the arm rest's of the chair bending down to face her.

"Do i make myself clear Francesca?" She was flushed. I could tell that she was already wet and I haven't even touched her.

She nodded her head but that wasn't good enough for me and I quickly made her understand that.

I fisted my hand around her neck giving her no warning whatsoever, there was fire in her eyes, lust mixed with it like gasoline. She turned her gaze elsewhere.

"Use your words, Francesca and look at me when you answer me." She hesitated but turned her attention back to me as she softly uttered,

"Yes, Elijah." Fucking hell. Her words weren't much but fuck, the way she obeyed me with that sweet innocent look in her eyes made my dick twitch.

"Good girl." I praised her. I could tell she loved that by the way her thighs pressed tighter together.

We were both still in our position when the door burst open and Henry made himself known.

"Hey man, do you know where France- ooh never mind looks like you do." He widened his eyes with a knowingly smirk on that stupid face.

"What do you want." I stood up fixing my suit while she was still sitting there in disbelief.

"Hmm Cesca, Hellen is calling for you, something about dresses and shit. But i can tell her that you're busy." She quickly stood up fixing her hair and flattening her palms over her skirt.

"No, no need I'll be right there. Where is she?"
She answered quickly.

"In the living room." He laughed as she pinned him with a stare walking out.

"Hell yeah man, good job. But sorry for the cock block." He placed his hand on his hart bowing.

I rolled my eyes just when Josh walked in.

"Man what did you do? Francesca basically sprinted off the stairs and that girl is fairs. What happened?" Fuck sake.

Ignoring him I started with the meeting. The real actual fucking reason i was here in the first place.

"Take a seat. Let's get this fucking over with."


I am somewhat happy with this one hope yall are too.

1079 words


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