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Stepping out of the shower i grab the towel on my right wrapping it around my body

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Stepping out of the shower i grab the towel on my right wrapping it around my body. I take my time to actually do something still feeling utterly stupid of the decision that i have made. Correction, decisions, with an 's'.

I have the whole day to actually get ready, seeing as tho the event only starts at 9pm, its currently 5am.

I could barely sleep, and when I eventually did fall asleep, i found myself waking every 15 minutes.

How did my life come to this? What have i done to deserve all this pain, this mind set and confusion. But my most asked question, why could my father not just use a fucking condom?

Its times like this, times when i gasp waking up that i question my life, my existence. I miss my brother, i miss my mother. Why did that peace of shit spare me and not them? For money, for title? Or just simply out of spite?

If he didn't want me, then why the fuck make me?

I hate that I allow myself to think of what he has done to me, but i hate myself even more for allowing him to have this effect on me.

This stupid 'x' on my hand is a constant reminder of how i failed myself, of how i failed them.

Snapping out of my thoughts i go to sit on my bed, to exhausted to get dressed i decide to just stay in the towel for a little while.

I grab the book i was reading off the nightstand and start getting lost in a fictional world that's better than mine.

I barely get to start when someone bursts into my room closing the door right after. Fuck my life.


Dropping the book on my lap i grab the nearest pillow, trying my best to cover my body. Great the one time i decided to be lazy this mother fucker had to take the moment away.

He doesn't move, he just stands there at the door looking at me. I return the favour just sitting here, looking at him.

He really truly is a sight to look at. Beautiful hair, amazing grey eyes. His face is just annoyingly, perfect. To bad his dickish personality is fucking it all up.

He's the first to break the silence.

"Do you know how fucking annoying you are, a constant reminder of the life and lies i am forced to drown in?"

He doesn't say it like its a bad thing, no, instead the words flow out his mouth like exhaustion and acceptance. Like i have been haunting his thoughts.

"So i have been told." Many time actually.

His jaw clenched as he slowly walks to the end of the bed, not breaking eye contact. As before reached his destination, he places his hands on the frame of the bed, slightly bending to relax his body on the frame.

"Tell me Francesca, why are you still here? And don't come up with this bull shit of you want to take out our fathers, because lets face it you could do it well on your own if you 'wanted' to. Why haven't you bolted already? Kill all of us like you actually want to and fuck off?

Hint if irritation flows with his words. But at the same time i cant help but wonder the same thing, why haven't i?

"I don't know Elijah, if i did i would let you know." His hands are fisting hardly against the bed frame, revealing the his veins.

Its 5 am and the fucker is already in a suit. He's not wearing it as usual. His shirt's first three buttons at the top are un done, and his sleeves are rolled up. His tie is hanging loose around his neck and he's not wearing his jacket.

It truly is a sight to look at, ome that causes my thighs to press together and my nipples to harden.

I bite down on my lower lip, trying to cause pain so i can focus on that instead of him.

"Open your legs Francesca." I hesitate, but rightfully fucking so because i don't know what the fuck to do, I'm a mess. And he fucking knows it.

"Im not going to fucking repeat myself." Putting the pillow to my side is slowly spread my legs, doing as I'm told, the action of his words and the way he looks at me making me soaked.

"Alright so fucking wet for me and i haven't even touched you." Of course he noticed.

I slowly remove the towel from my body keeping eye contact while i do so. Its hard not to notice what my actions are doing to him seeing as how his dick is treating to rip through his pants.

"Did i tell you to do that Francesca?" Shit i forgot to ask permission. I sit there in silence not knowing what to do as the words i know i have to utter refuses to escape my mouth."

"I asked you a question, i expect an answer."

"No sir." Fucking hell, i can feel how my cum is dripping down my thighs.

"Crawl to me amor." I do as i'm told and start getting on all fours slowly crawling to him. He clenches his jaw, gripping the wood harder.

As i reach to him he grabs my throat pulling me closer. "Turn around on your knees." I do just that. Suddenly i feel a slight movement on my shoulders. Its his hands, slowly going down my arms til he reaches my hands.

He puts them together behind my back, ordering me to keep them there. His touch vanished and I suddenly feel lost, naked without it. As if I wasn't already.

I can hear metal against metal as he un does his belt buckle taking off his belt, tying my hands together behind my back.

The action causing my nipples to harden further and my thighs pressuring together to cause some sort of movement that I'm desperate for.

I get a slight fright when i feel a material press against my eyes taking away my vision. Its his tie. At this point I'm squirming in my place trying to move my ass to his dick but he stops me.

"Such a desperate little slut." His words only cause more trouble that shoots straight to my core. I cant help but to nod, the words struggling to spill from my mouth.

"Use your words little demon"

"Please, sir please." I don't like the desperation in my voice, but I'm sure about what i want. What i need.

"All fours now." I do just that i bend over, placing my hands on the bed and my ass high up.

I cant see anything, but i can feel him staring and its making me nervous.


I know i know leaving you dry and I'm sorry but you will forgive me i promise.

I will be carrying on with where i stopped in this chapter but in Elijah's pov.

Thank me later horny bitches xoxo

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