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"You seriously never watched Sponge Bob?"

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"You seriously never watched Sponge Bob?"

"Well considering Ive been locked up in this hell hole for 8 years with nothing except a blanket, what the hell do you think?"

After a very flirtatious man named Henry took his time to take me to a woman named Helen. He chatted on an on about his looks and how he manages his hair and how many women he slept with, he didn't even chat about it he bragged, telling me I missed out and that i should make up for lost time.

I wonder if he knows how many men in here forced themselves on me?

I was sitting in what was told is my room. It was massive. When I walked in i was stunned almost lost for words.

On my left was a beautiful white fluffy bed that was bigger than king sized, it had a ridiculous amount of pillows.

In front of the bed were showers, not shower, showers.

Helen told me it looked like the showers in the movie 365 days. When i told her I wouldn't know she immediately put on the show and i was shocked. Massimo was fucking hot tho, a babe sent from heaven indeed.

In the middle of the room was a lounge set in royal blue with bourbon in the middle of the table

On the left side of the bed there were class doors opening to a balcony with light blue tinted glass on the edge. There was also a hot tub and a lounge set matching the one in my room.

And don't even get me started on the walk in closet because oh my goodness was it big as fuck. In the middle of the closet was a table with a royal blue couch. On the table was a pantry with two glasses and a bottle of bourbon. This man loved his fucking bourbon.

The closet was empty. No clothes.

"Sponge bob is not another one of your porn movies is it?" It was a serious question. Although the name didn't sound sexual but neither did 365 days. I was obligated to ask.

"Honey you're killing me here." She said laughing and gasping for air. I don't know what was so funny. But I quickly found out when she turned on the tv above the showers, putting on what I assumed was sponge bob.

It's a cartoon of a sponge living in a pine apple and his best friend is a stupid star literally living under a rock. I can relate to Patrick in some ways.

"So hun tell me. What are we gonna do about that closet of yours? It can't stay like that?" We were sitting on the bed when she took out her phone and showed me an app called Shein. She immediately showed me clothes, accessories and asked me if i liked anything when she handed me the phone telling me to choose what I wanted and put it in my cart.

When i met Helen i remembered her. She was the underdressed woman standing next to Elijah. When I asked her about it she gagged and told me they were cousins.

We immediately started to bond even tho i thought she was a bitch, the feeling was mutual until we started chatting, insulting Elijah. Thats when we realised that we were gonna get a long just fine.

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