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The first chapter of our story, I'm so excited. Until we bring the story up to date and tell it, we will talk about the past for a while and read what they both went through in those years. Do not forget to comment and give reactions between the lines. Each star makes you read the new chapter earlier. The story is definitely not Angst. I just love to explain the inner world and emotions of the characters in detail, and I also like to bring the readers together with their inner voices that they cannot tell anyone. The first chapters are a bit more self-explanatory and detailed so you can fully understand the characters' personalities. You will read more dialogues in later chapters. I put a song in the media. Those who wish can search for the song on Spotify and listen to it while reading. It helps you understand the feel of the Chapter more clearly.

If you're ready, here we go.❣️🫂

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*It's Not Love If It Hurts Too Much*

2017 , from Jimin's narration.

I woke up from the sudden rains of April and a day when I was breathing the smell of renewed soil that heralds summer, and after doing my routine work, I went to the faculty as every day. I had the excitement of being in the last semester of my eight-semester education and the weight of all the years on my shoulders. In the end, I had to prepare a final thesis and a model project, and lately I couldn't even find time for myself.

Nothing felt this hard until two years ago. Although we were in frequent contact with him, his presence here was a factor that made me stronger. After Yoongi Hyung left, our group didn't get together as much as before, and our weekly meetings were reduced to once a month.

Everyone was focused on taking on more of life's responsibilities, and we were at that stinging point where we had to turn our youth into adulthood. I felt like the days when we promised each other to stay young forever at our drinking tables were long gone. I don't know how I would have gotten through these times without Taehyung.

From the window of the bus number 11 going to the faculty, I was thinking about the time that passed and the things I couldn't make up for, and I was faced with the feeling of regret for being late for something in the depths of my soul. It was then that I realized that I had to face this feeling very often. My life was slipping away, my youth was evolving into adulthood, and I couldn't hold back the time that flowed like sand through my hands.

I remember Yoongi Hyung saying comforting things to me when I was getting on the No:11 bus again at the same bus stop on the days when I was feeling like this. He didn't even need to make any extra effort for me. He brought me back to the present moment and comforted me by asking very simple questions when my mind was full and elsewhere.

While we hadn't spent almost a single day apart for years, it shocked everyone, including me, that he suddenly wanted to do his master's in Italy. I always supported his dreams, but he never once told me about it, and I was sure that he had made this decision suddenly. I didn't say anything so as not to upset him until he left. This was his career, and I couldn't interfere with the decisions he was making for his own life.

Until he left, we all spent time together, laughed and had fun again. Everything seemed normal. But it wasn't. The first day I learned that he was leaving, a heavy feeling in my crop took me hostage. I felt as if whatever I said would be too late, whatever I did would be too late. That's when I realized for the first time that I was late for something and someone. How could I have known that when he left, he would take my mind and soul with him.

At that moment, at the goodbye party we prepared for him, I realized that I had already irreversibly fallen in love with my Hyung, whom I grew up with for years, went to the same schools, chose interior design just because he wanted to be an architect, and protected me from everyone and everything.
He was sipping his drink with the shirt that I thought suits him best and his angelic smile on his face that bears the traces of a new life on his face. The attention of everyone around him was on him, and even that bothered me at that moment.

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