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*qué será será :
Whatever will be, will be. The future is not ours to see. Don't worry, if it's supposed to happen, it will. *

After a touching evening with his family, Jimin opened up about his desire to pursue dance further. Given his natural flexibility and lifelong passion for contemporary dance, this transition felt like a logical next step. He wasted no time in reaching out to Hoseok to start the registration process. Despite his excitement, Jimin couldn't shake off the worry that he might not excel in his interior architecture profession and disappoint his family. Nevertheless, he was determined to embrace his youth before it slipped away like a butterfly and live life on his own terms.

Years ago, when Taehyung asked him if he was sure he wanted to quit dancing and become an interior architecture, he had just realized that his friend actually knew him very well. Because even though it was late, Jimin felt the joy of being able to do something he felt freedom for the first time. Moreover, he yearned to love his Yoongi Hyung freely.

Jimin realized that he hadn't been living like a homeowner in his own house for a long time. Besides, he had nearly emptied his house during his time in LA, and now he didn't have much besides his personal belongings and a few pieces of furniture. Still, he started to gather all his clothes in front of the wardrobe.

Additionally, he prepared a small suitcase and took the personal items he used and needed most. He was spending at Yoongi's house and with him more than he was spending at his own house and with his family, and for a moment he wondered if he could bring his own belongings to Yoongi's house so easily and that this was a very quick move, and without closing the suitcase, he fell into pessimistic thoughts again and left the room.

He noticed that he and Yoongi hadn't talked about this openly. Even though they loved each other, Jimin didn't want to invade Yoongi's personal space. Suddenly, he felt like he didn't belong anywhere, and this feeling engulfed him like poison. His family lived in Busan, and they only met occasionally.

Before, Jimin didn't really care about all this because he spent all his time with Yoongi and their friends. They used to be together every day, and his house was just a place to sleep. But now, everyone was busy with their own jobs and spent more time at home. They couldn't hang out every day like they used to. It hit Jimin hard that the irresponsible freedom of their youth was already gone and what had changed was time.

Regrettably, Jimin lacked the courage or confidence to broach this subject with Yoongi. Perhaps it wasn't fair for him to be staying at Yoongi's place so frequently. As dark thoughts clouded his mind like thick fog, he found himself consumed by a bleak outlook. Despite the absence of light in his thoughts, he managed to force a smile onto his face as he exited his room and joined his family, taking a seat beside his mother.

Perhaps it was time for Jimin to spend some time in his own home and regain a sense of order. Just as he was contemplating his next steps, Hoseok's message interrupted his thoughts.

**Hoseok Hyung:**
Jiminie, I've sorted out the
registration process. Would
you like to come to the studio
today and meet everyone?

Jimin felt a wave of relief wash over him at the prospect of escaping his thoughts. With a renewed sense of excitement, he replied.

That's fantastic, I'll be there.

Jimin swiftly rose from his seat and hurriedly exited the house, briefly informing his family of his early return. Along the way, he called his best friend, Taehyung, whom he had unintentionally neglected for several days. As Taehyung expressed his reproach, Jimin's expression faltered with regret. However, he managed to distract Taehyung's attention by teasing him about a surprise waiting at Hoseok's studio.

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