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One of the most important parts of the progression of the story. Don't forget to comment between the lines. I'm reading all the comments.
I added our Chapter song to the media section. I will decide when to publish the new chapter based on comments and votes. I loved this realistic story. I'm writing about how their true story could happen in an alternate universe with a little twist. I quote and make analogies from HyyH. I am inspired by some songs. I hope you notice these fine details and comment between the lines. I love you.

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*Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting. *
-Peter Pan

2015 from Yoongi's narration

I never liked goodbyes. I didn't like looking into someone's eyes and saying I'm leaving. This would be a spiritual burden on that person's shoulders. Because people would wait. I liked to put an undetermined period of time between us and feel like I would come back at any moment. This was the only thing that kept me, my memories and my mind alive. I didn't say goodbye to anyone sincerely. Even though this was breaking people's hearts, it was the least damaging method.

A very meaningful quote I underlined in a book I read made me think for many years. It said: Go as if you never left and as if you will never return. If you leave completely, you will break hearts, and if you return, you will not find what you are looking for.

I was thinking about these more deeply before going to Italy. I have never forgotten that starry night when I realized the unknown within me, how helpless I was, and how I could not continue my life happily here. I left not because my family didn't love me or my friends didn't love me, but because I didn't love myself. I hated myself when I had no reason to not love myself.

I'm gone because I wanted to be more than I should be, but I couldn't be. I was a beautiful flower, but I didn't want to bloom in a heart I didn't belong to. It was dry land for me, the heart I wanted to bloom in, it had no water. I'm gone to be my own flower. While the things I had to overcome were piling up in front of me like a mountain, I'm gone to prevent the negativities that my carelessness would cause.

If it was black, it was black, if it was white, it was white.

It was a beautiful evening in May, when the seven of us were lying on the beach and the stars in the sky were shining brightly on us. I remember Jimin laying his head on my lap while we were each lying on the sand. He was watching the moon.

"It feels like home," I remember him saying, as the reflections of the stars danced in his pupils.

"Nights seem so welcoming, they deceive us."

Everyone fell silent after Namjoon's words. Since he was studying psychology, we would occasionally hear such philosophical words from him and question ourselves. We were in such an evening again. After everyone took a sip from the beer bottles they buried in the sand, we spread out around the fire we had lit.

Namjoon felt like he had to explain something. Or maybe he thought he should say a few words to make this beautiful night even more memorable. As a matter of fact, he achieved this.
I never, ever forgot that night.

I saw Jungkook shivering from the coolness of the night even though he was sitting by the fire and snuggled next to Namjoon. It was an instinct and I took off my own jacket without questioning and put it on Jimin without questioning whether he was cold or not. Even though his head moved a little, his eyes did't move away from the view of the fire or the light of the moon.

Namjoon's gaze wandered over all of us. He was playing with the embers of the fire with the stick he found on the beach. His eyes stayed on me and Jimin for a while. As I took a deep breath and drowned in my own soul, Namjoon also took a deep breath like the first smoke of a cigarette.

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