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This chapter is an important transitional chapter, I recommend you re-read the parts of Jimin's narration in order not to forget the flow of the story. You know I love your comments. Even though the story is fiction, it tells the stages of Yoonmin's real story. The song of this Chapter is as important as the Chapter itself.
Love you so much,thanks for your support for LACUNA...

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*Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so.*
-Belva Davis

2018, from Jimin's narration.

Min Yoongi is the one who made me leave everything behind and run away. Min Yoongi is the person who made me dependent on him with his absence, who never knew about it, who left the pain of a love I couldn't live in the depths of my soul, and who was a source of great frustration or bitter regret for me but I still love him. Everyday.

It had been three months since I graduated when I decided to go to LA. Now I officially had a diploma and enough professional knowledge to start my own business. I had to earn my own money, continue my life and live the life I wanted. So, what kind of life did I want?

A life with Yoongi Hyung in it. But he wasn't even with me in my life. Just like it has been for the last two years.
My heart was so broken. The reason is both me and him. I saw that Yoongi Hyung dyed his hair blue in the photo he uploaded to Instagram. He never told me about it. We didn't talk as much as we used to anyway.

He was poisoning me so well and making me need him like an addict that I couldn't resist him.
He dyed his hair blue because I will tirelessly look at his photos for a long time and examine every millimeter of his skin.

My heart was so broken because I was going crazy because I couldn't be with him and see and experience these changes live.

The fact that he often went to other countries and was no longer in Italy was one of the biggest question marks in my mind. He always said it was work related, but for some reason I couldn't believe it.

I asked him why he never came to Korea even for a short time. But instead of giving me a proper answer, he told me to be home in half an hour and to open the door when it knocked. I truly felt like things within me that had long since died were coming back to life. I was filled with inexplicable energy and ran home without even waiting for the bus.

I had so many wishes inside. I stood in front of the mirror and fixed my hair. I put myself in order. I sprayed my perfume that resembled tangerine, his favorite fruit. He could influence me like that, but he didn't know it.

If I really saw him in front of me, I would hug him tightly and confess that I was in love, without wasting even a single moment. I was already late enough. I would even forget that I had once been depressed for a long time because of the girl I was jealous of. I would forget all my fears. When he asked me what I was, I was going to tell him that I was just someone in love with you. I was just going to say that I was in love with him, without fitting into any gender stereotypes.
That's how encouraged I was.
Because he gave me hope.

While I was holding it tightly to stop my hands from shaking, the doorbell rang. At that moment, my heart rose to my throat and thundered there. I was about to faint. My blood pressure rose so quickly that a fire burned into my cheeks. I was out of breath when I ran and opened the door.


The maximum positive energy I experienced and then the sudden disappointment was so shocking that I collapsed right where I was, in front of the door.

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