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So much blushing.....
Our Chapter song is NEVERMIND.

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*Never mind ! It's not easy but engrave it onto your chest.
If you feel like you're going to crash then accelerate more, you idiot.*

01/01/2019 from Jimin's narration

I opened my eyes with a dry feeling in my throat and a slight headache. I felt someone's warmth on me. When I turned my head back, I saw Hyung's body hugging me tightly. My body was warm as he hugged me like this throughout the night. I woke him up because I was moving, and he stretched a little where he was and hugged me, even though his eyes were still closed.

''Good morning Jimin-ah...''

His voice was sleepy and rough, and the way he buried his head in the area between my neck and the nape of my neck and inhaled all my scent as if he wanted to finish it off, caused very different feelings in my stomach. I was tickled. Before I could get used to these butterfly feelings in my stomach, I jumped from where I was when I felt his warm lips and innocent kiss behind my ear. Hyung's eyes were almost closed due to lack of sleep, and he was also startled by my sudden move.

''Jimin-ah, what's wrong? Did I do something wrong.''

I didn't want him to misunderstand me, but my cheeks were red, I think I was whipped.

''Good morning to you too, Hyung. I got up to drink water. Yes water. I was going to go to the kitchen. Do you want some water too?"

Hyung smiled with his eyes closed and laid his head back on the pillow. When I ran to the kitchen, I thought that at least two glasses of water would calm me down a bit.

What we talked about that night was clear in my mind, but we were quite drunk. I didn't know if I had said something that I didn't remember or that I had embarrassed myself. I could tell from my dry mouth how much alcohol we had drank, because there was no other explanation for me drinking water as if I would never be hydrated.

After pouring a glass of water for Hyung to drink, I went to him. He was still sleepy and looked so cute. His hair was messy and his skin was whiter and kissable because he had just woken up. My cheeks were turning red, even though the thoughts in my mind were supposed to stay in my mind and not show themselves.

"Why are your cheeks red?"

I put my hands to my face and cursed under my breath at the warmth of my cheeks. My cheeks were giving me away.
Hyung laughed and drank his water and put the glass aside. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me to sit next to him.

"Come here, let's see what's wrong with you."

I sat next to him softly, the reality that Hyung was in love with me was really hitting me.

He combed my hair back from my forehead and his fingers touched my neck sweetly. Hyung always had a weakness for my neck, but the fact that he was doing all this after confessing that he was in love with me caused different feelings in me. For example, why were the butterflies in my stomach flying further south and tickling there?

"Are you nervous because I slept with you?"

I immediately raised my gaze to Hyung and waved my hands.

''No Hyung. No never. I love sleeping with you."

When I couldn't look into his eyes anymore, I lowered my gaze to my hands and puffed out my cheeks.

''It's just... There's a lot we haven't talked about yet, and I'm scared.''

I felt Hyung swallow hard. Maybe when he was so eager to start something with me and had come so far, I seemed to be breaking his enthusiasm by making such sentences and I felt sad about it, but I couldn't be at peace unless the problems in my mind were answered one by one.

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