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New chapter with 5K words. Please write a comment about the feelings you felt while reading between the lines. Don't forget to give stars. Pay attention to the dates. Yoongi talks about 2015, Jimin talks about 2017. This story will progress to the current date. In general, you can make comments, suggestions or predictions about the sections, these will help me.
I added the song of the new chapter to the media section.

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*You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I will always love you, that's where I'll be waiting. *
-Peter Pan

2015 from Yoongi's narration

It was June 2015 when I successfully graduated. I still hadn't told my friends that I would start my master's degree in Italy in September 2015, without leaving much time for myself to rest. I cried on my mother's knees and made my own wet soil even wetter. I cried so much for my land, which had no seeds of any flower, that it was just mud. I was so lost within myself that all my troubles accumulated like tears and became like a swamp. Maybe my mother was right. Maybe I was the Lotus flower. Alone. I never bloomed. 'There is a right time for every flower to bloom. ' they would say. Who would know and who would expect a flower that has never bloomed in a swamp?

I needed a beer and to close my eyes and have someone tell me something. That's why I found myself in front of the door of Namjoon's ground floor apartment with a small balcony. With a bag full of beer in my hand and life burdens on my shoulders that no one would care about but were too heavy for me. Even though I wasn't a smoker, I also bought a pack of cigarettes that night. My mind was so smoky that I guess I didn't see any harm in my lungs being smoky too.

If my mother knew, she would also be upset about this. I swore in my mind that I would never buy cigarettes again. When Namjoon opened the door, he invited me in. There was even a small wall bookshelf in his toilet, and his apartment smelled only of books. It was a hot and humid June evening. The door to his balcony was wide open and the sounds of the bustling life outside were pouring in. It felt like the books were talking to each other.

"It doesn't seem like you live alone,"
I said once again after looking everywhere and left the ice cold beers I had just bought on the table.

''Loneliness is a choice. It depends on how you define loneliness."

I opened a beer for myself and laid my body down on one of the comfortable chairs. I thought about what he said. He was right. Loneliness had many definitions. After opening his beer like me, he sat across from me and relaxed with the comfort of being in his own home. We both took a few silent sips of the beers. I stared at the ceiling. I looked at the strange lamp hanging from the ceiling in Namjoon's apartment. It caught my attention at that moment. I leaned back and put my head on the couch.

''I bought myself a pack of cigarettes.''

Namjoon didn't answer. It wasn't a statement I wanted him to respond to.

''I want to smoke tonight. Can I smoke in your apartment?"

"You don't need to ask permission."

Even though Namjoon knew I didn't smoke, he didn't say anything about it. I took out the cigarette pack from the bag containing the beers and took a stick of cigarette out of it. I realized I didn't have a lighter for the cigarette waiting between my lips. I was so unprepared for some things.

''I don't have a lighter.''

After sighing deeply, Namjoon got up and brought me a lighter from a shelf of his bookshelf and took out a fancy cigarette for himself, I don't know where it came from. After lighting my cigarette, he also lit his own cigarette and sat across from me again.

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