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I know you've been waiting for the new Chapter for a long time. Yoonmin is drunk in this chapter. Remember that all conversations take place while they are drunk. For those who don't remember the previous chapter, please read it briefly again. Luv you.
Our Chapter song is "Butterflies - Max ,Ali Gatie

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* You and I, always almost. Again and again. We were always on the verge of almost. Never nothing, never something. But we looked at each other a little too long to be "just friends" *

01/01/ 2019 from Jimin's narration

While Hyung's hot breath was still brushing my face, I questioned the reality of the moment. I came to my senses as if the magic of the entire moment had been broken with a flick. Awareness. Confrontation.

At that moment, my mind was louder than the things around me, and only the thousands of thoughts and past worries floating in my mind reminded themselves one by one.

Hyung was in love with me.

He was in love with me all those times I had to be deprived of him. All the days and nights that I had to live with the pain in my heart and cry for two years because I was in love with him, came down as tears from my eyes and down my cheeks. Taehyung was right.

I took a step back from him. My eyes were even wider with surprise. There was concern in Hyung's eyes. I looked him over from head to toe. This beautiful man I fell in love with, this man whom I have called Hyung for years and with whom I fought the war of love in my own heart every day and every hour, because I was afraid of the strong bond between us being broken because I was in love with him, and because I could never bear to lose him, was in love with me.

All the emotions flying through my mind at once prevented me from reacting rationally, and my first reaction was fear. I took another step back as fear took over my body with a force sharper than the coldness of the air. I wanted to run away.
When Hyung took a step forward and extended his hand to me, I stopped him sharply.


When I lifted my gaze from his feet to his eyes, tears fell from my eyes.

''Jimin... I... I'm sorry.''

Suddenly I took another step back. I couldn't separate any of the thoughts in my mind, and the confusion of emotions I felt one after the other wasn't helping me at all. Hyung was apologizing to me. The second strongest emotion I felt was anger. I frowned and walked towards him. I pushed him in the chest.

"What are you apologizing for?"

Hyung stumbled backwards but didn't fall. I was still looking at him angrily. He shouldn't have apologized to me after kissing me. I didn't know what to think while he was looking at me so deeply with those beautifully shaped eyes.

How did it happen that with a kiss, the invisible curtain between us was lifted and I felt naked in front of him. Did that invisible curtain between us have to be lifted so that we could see each other? How could a kiss do in seconds what I couldn't do for years? Who would answer for the nights and days I cried for him?

Could a kiss fix everything, like it didn't matter what I had done to suppress the pain in my heart for two years? I was very confused. I was scared and angry.

I walked towards him angrily, grabbed him tightly by the furry hat of his coat with my small hands, pulled him to me and gave him a passionate kiss. When Hyung remained where he was, he raised his hands as if in surrender, and I heard his satisfied purr in my mouth under the influence of the moment. Then I pushed him again. He seemed drunk.

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