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A long, sweet, emotional Chapter. I based it on Yoonmin's past times when they misunderstood each other. Don't worry, everything will be fine. Feel free to leave your comments and don't forget to give stars.

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*You know,I know, I'm you, you're me*


2018, from Jimins narration

We returned to our rooms because we could no longer resist the cold weather. Hyung had a satisfied expression on his face. When we were in the elevator, we were as distant as if we hadn't just hugged each other, and he was looking away from me. Before getting off at the third floor, I turned to him and this caused his gaze to turn to me with full attention. As if he was waiting for this moment. His eyes told a lot. He had read my letter anyway. Did he understand what I wanted to say?

He nodded and let me go.

''I'll tell you everything, I promise. After we get out of here."

I quickly nodded and ran to my room. In my letter, there were dozens of questions I asked him, unwritten sub-meanings of those questions, and hundreds more questions. He would give it all to me. I went back to bed without waking my mother, hoping not to be disappointed once again.

When I woke up in the morning, Namjoon Hyung was in my room. He was reading one of his books, which I was used to seeing all the time. When he felt that I was awake, he closed his book and stood up.

''Good morning, you are being discharged today. I took your mother home to rest. "It was difficult to convince her."

I felt a little dizzy because I didn't get enough sleep, but I still thanked Namjoon Hyung.

"Jimin, I know you want to go to Yoongi right away, but it would be better for you if you go home and rest."

I immediately got up from my bed and started looking for my belongings.

"No, I don't need this, just being with him is enough."

I breathed a sigh of relief when Namjoon Hyung took out my clothes from the closet on the other side of the room.

"Then get dressed and let me talk to you for a while before you go to Yoongi. There are some things I need to tell you."

After patting my shoulder, he left the room. I quickly dressed and looked at my reflection in the mirror. The sparkles I hadn't seen for a long time were in my eyes again. Wasn't anyone seeing? After laughing at my reflection in the mirror, I wondered if my eyes really looked like this before Yoongi Hyung left and in all the beautiful years we spent every day together. Unlike the last two years, I was in a strange moment where I wondered if I used to be like this. I felt pessimistic again when I remembered that Yoongi Hyung hadn't made much eye contact with me in the past either, but it wasn't his fault. It was never.

Namjoon Hyung was waiting for me in front of the door. He looked me up and down. I was examining him while he was in front, and I was following him. He always looked good, but his shoulders were slumped. He had a masters degree in psychology. Not knowing what he did after I left reminded me of what a bad friend I was at that moment.


His steps stopped and he looked at me questioningly through his glasses.

''Is it okay if I just get discharged? We didn't even talk to my doctor?"

His gaze softened instantly.

''Come with me.''

When we got into the elevator, he pressed the button to the fifth floor. At that moment I noticed that he had an ID-Card on the waistband of his trousers. After getting off the elevator, we walked halfway down the corridor, and I looked at the name in front of me for a long time. While I continued to look, Namjoon Hyung scanned his ID-Card into the door's electronic scanner and the door opened.

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