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For those who haven't read the previous chapter, please take a quick look. This episode contains literary smut. Those who don't want to read it won't lose anything, it will be enough if they just know that this episode is one of the first and rare smut episodes of LACUNA and yoonmin's first experiences in this story. Almost 6K words. Please vote for this Chapter.
Our Chapter song is in media section Troye Sivan- Angel Baby

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*We are in each other's zones. There's no need to give it a name. You are me, I am you now. I am like your fingerprint, you are like my shadow. I am everywhere you touch and you are everywhere I go.*


''Hyung stop! You will make me fall. Watch your shoulder! ''

Jimin was complaining as Yoongi trapped Jimin between himself and the wall at the entrance of the house, stole kisses, and then took him in his arms and walked upstairs.

To avoid falling, he wrapped his arms tightly around his Hyung's neck and watched him without blinking and how attractive he was.

'' Where are you taking me? Your bedroom furniture hasn't arrived yet? ''

Since Yoongi was carrying Jimin in his arms and Jimin wrapped his legs around his waist, their faces were very close to each other, and when Yoongi's quiet laughter touched Jimin's ears and his sweet warm breaths touched his skin, it sent a shiver down his spine.

'' Let's see what we have in our bedroom. ''

Yoongi pushed the door with his foot and entered. As Jimin hugged his neck tighter, he tried to look around and his mouth was open in surprise when he saw furniture and a huge bed. While Yoongi held Jimin's waist tighter with one hand, he gently patted Jimin's lips to cover his mouth with the other and gave him a soft kiss.

While Jimin was making surprised noises, Yoongi's only focus was on Jimin. He sat Jimin down on the large bed with satin sheets, and when he sat down next to him, they looked at each other. Despite the years, the brother life they lived and all the beautiful memories they shared, sitting there as two lovers made Jimin nervous. It wasn't like he hadn't slept in the same bed with him before, it wasn't like he hadn't kissed him before, but he still knew that all these love affairs were things he did when he didn't even understand the difference, and he realized at that moment that this was very different.

It was something he had never experienced before and he was afraid. Frankly, he didn't know exactly what Yoongi expected from him. Because they hadn't expressed such things clearly and Jimin didn't know what to do, so he crossed his legs on the bed and sat. His heart was beating so fast that he wasn't sure if his Hyung could hear it. On the contrary, Yoongi was watching him deeply without speaking. If Jimin hadn't listened carefully, he would have doubted that he was even breathing, and Jimin definitely felt like he was in another dimension when Yoongi was looking at him so deeply. He felt like he was out of his mind, as if he had forgotten how to speak and breathe. That's why he couldn't look into his eyes. He lowered his gaze to his hands and played with his fingers.


Yoongi moved closer to him and wrapped his fingers around Jimin's ankle, gently caressing it. Apart from what Yoongi wanted to say, thoughts that stirred up all his hormones were wandering around in his mind like an ego, making it difficult for him to focus on the moment. For example, the warmth spreading through his fingers wrapped around his ankle, the softness of his skin, and even Jimin's tiny bare feet could cause Yoongi to kneel down in front of him and cry. He wanted to give him all his love.

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