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*Being lost is not freedom.*

Yoongi had never fully realized the weight of the emotions that had accumulated in his chest over the years. It was only when he wove the fruits of his deep love for Jimin into his lyrics, mingling them with the battles of his inner world, that he began to understand the magnitude of what he had been carrying.

That understanding hit him like a tidal wave the moment Jimin listened.

The culmination of sleepless nights, silent tears, and unspoken words now flowed through the music, a testament to the love and struggle that had shaped his existence.

As Jimin took in the raw, unedited song, his breath became erratic, his chest rising and falling rapidly with each word that drifted through the speakers. His eyes widened, reflecting the intensity of the emotions that Yoongi had poured into his art.

The room seemed to shrink around them, the air thick with a palpable tension that neither could ignore. Jimin felt each lyric pierce through him, unraveling the layers of his own guarded heart.

Yoongi's fingers moved delicately over the piano keys, each note a meticulous choice to support the haunting melody emanating from the laptop.

He was lost in the music, yet acutely aware of Jimin's presence, feeling every tremor of his reaction.

It was as if his soul was being laid bare, exposed in all its vulnerable reality, and he couldn't hide behind the usual masks anymore. The melody carried with it the essence of his life, his struggles, his love, and his fears, all laid out starkly for Jimin to see.

In that moment, Yoongi felt as though his entire existence was on display, a raw and unfiltered narrative of his journey. The music was his confession, a silent declaration of everything he had been too afraid to voice.

Jimin's eyes locked with his, and Yoongi could see the understanding and empathy reflected there. The connection between them was almost tangible, a silent communication that transcended words.

It was as if, through the music, their souls were having a conversation of their own, one that had been long overdue.

Jimin wiped a tear from his eye with the back of his hand as it slid down his cheek, leaving a warm feeling.

Yoongi was just as messed up as Jimin. Breath sounds mingled with the night view of Seoul in his empty, dimly lit loft studio, which had nothing but his piano and laptop, and had the best view among Hannam's luxury apartments.

''How can I love you more? '' Jimin's breath caught in his throat, he didn't want to cry.

''How can I love you more than I do now, when you have such an untouched, deep and adorable love for me? '' Tears were now flowing from his other eye.

''You prevent me from loving you impossibly much. '' he took a deep breath before bursting into sobs and his face took on the emotions reflected just before he cried.

To stop him crying, Yoongi suddenly turned towards him from the piano seat and took his face between his hands.

''Don't cry, Jimin-ah, my butterfly. If you cry, I will cry too. ''

Jimin shook and let out his sobs because Yoongi's voice, his breath, every word made Jimin cry. He grabbed Yoongi's chest as if he were falling and the only thing he had to hold on to was Yoongi's clothes, and hugged him around his neck without loosening his grip. While he couldn't even breathe because of his sobs, Yoong's hands were patting Jimin's back and caressing his hair.

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