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Please read the previous chapter too , this is a continuation chapter.

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*Small flaws, glitches, my new afterimage. Breaking down the wall between what i want to say and what i cannot say. Not getting intimidated but rebelling and raising questions against what the world demands. The world's fixed stereotype collide with my inner self and leaves trauma for a while but this temporary glitch transforms into the driving force to create a new wavelength and becomes part of me.*

His nose tinged with a rosy hue, and his words slightly slurred by the effects of alcohol, he took a hesitant step back, uncertainty clouding his mind as he peered at the figure before him, questioning whether it was truly Jimin standing there. Tears glistened on his lashes, delicate and ethereal like the wings of a butterfly, evoking a surge of emotions within Jimin.

A profound desire washed over him, compelling him to envelop Yoongi in a protective embrace, shielding him from the harsh realities of the world with the softest of kisses. Observing Yoongi's vulnerability, as he blinked and gripped his T-shirt's hem, Jimin felt a surge of jealousy, not wanting anyone else to witness Yoongi's fragile state.

Jimin took a cautious step or two toward Yoongi, noting his obvious state of inebriation. Despite this, he yearned to embrace him once more, holding him close and showering him with affectionate kisses. Eventually, Jimin's hand found its place at the nape of Yoongi's neck, while the other tenderly cupped his fair cheek, marveling at how radiant and precious his Hyung appeared, like a gleaming pearl.

"Hyung, it's Jimin. I'm here," he reassured softly.

Yoongi's eyes widened in alarm, as though uncertain of the identity of the person embracing him.

"A man just hugged me," he muttered, wrapping his arms around himself defensively, his discomfort palpable. Yet, to Jimin, witnessing Yoongi's vulnerability only deepened his affection.

"Hyung, it was me hugging you just now, and it's me hugging you now. Let's head inside, alright?" Jimin coaxed gently.

Yoongi mumbled to himself, unsteady on his feet as he made his way toward the couch.

"Jimin came, my Jimin, my beloved Jimin came," he whispered, his words filled with a mix of relief and affection.

Before collapsing onto the couch, Yoongi stumbled over the litter of empty bottles scattered at his feet, his movements unsteady. With one eye closed in exhaustion, he muttered incomprehensibly, his voice heavy with drowsiness. Witnessing Yoongi's struggle, Jimin bent down to tidy up the disarrayed floor.

"You know, I can't bear to be without Jimin," Yoongi murmured, his words tinged with slumber.

After neatly arranging the bottles on the table, Jimin draped a blanket over Yoongi's form, noting the telltale flush of alcohol coloring his cheeks. Yoongi, in his intoxicated state, shifted restlessly on the sofa, his closed eyes and flushed complexion painting a picture of vulnerability that stirred Jimin's heart. Unable to resist, Jimin leaned in, pressing his nose against Yoongi's soft, cotton-clad cheek, and tenderly placing a kiss upon it, savoring the scent of his Hyung. Overwhelmed by Yoongi's endearing demeanor, Jimin longed to shower him with affection, planting gentle kisses all over his beloved Hyung's face.

As Yoongi peacefully slept, Jimin busied himself with tidying up the disarrayed surroundings, gently organizing the kitchen as dawn broke outside. Glancing at his phone, he noted the advancing hour and decided sleep was futile now that daylight had flooded the room. Anticipating Yoongi's inevitable hangover, Jimin rolled up his sleeves, preparing to whip up a remedy he knew would soothe his Hyung's discomfort.

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