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*Give me a promise that no one will forget.*

In his frantic state, Yoongi forgot to call Namjoon and drove straight home. He sent a quick message to Jimin before tossing his phone onto the passenger seat, completely unaware of its presence now. Sweat poured down his forehead as he continuously checked the back seat through the rearview mirror, the thought of driving off a cliff crossing his mind if he saw himself again. In moments of panic, people instinctively seek immediate escape routes, and Yoongi was no different. The more he glanced at the mirrors, the more his forehead dripped with perspiration.

Arriving home, Yoongi failed to notice that he had knocked over the pots of forget-me-nots he and Jimin had bought weeks ago to plant together. He dashed towards the veranda, his only thought being to immerse himself in cold water as soon as possible. Just before stepping inside, a flash of lightning lit up the sky, prompting him to start counting...

Five seconds later, a thunderous boom echoed, and Yoongi watched the rain begin to fall steadily. As the rain intensified, soaking into the garden soil, the fresh scent of earth reached Yoongi's nose, making him reconsider going inside.

At that moment, he noticed the forget-me-nots crushed under the car wheel, their blue petals smeared with dirt. Ignoring the now soaking rain, he walked over, sat down, and leaned against his car, picking up the flattened flowers. Despair welled up within him, his chest heaving like an angry bull's, but he knew even tears wouldn't bring relief. It felt like he had run into a dead end while trying to escape his own alter ego, only to be confronted by another version of himself, leaving him panicked and disheveled.

The rain intensified, and the sky grew darker. Thirteen lightning strikes illuminated the sky, each rumble of thunder making Yoongi flinch. Dark clouds enveloped the sky, swallowing him whole. He was cold and drenched, but the water dripping from his hair and face didn't bother him. He looked at the puddle forming at his feet and slowly drew his legs closer. Yoongi didn't want to see another reflection of himself, not even in the water, because he couldn't bear fighting another personality within him while struggling with his own.

As he kicked the ground, he wondered why. Why, after the long talk with his father and the good news he had received, did he have to fall to the lowest point? His mind wouldn't stop racing. Finally, on his knees, he looked at the ruined flowers and couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He apologized to Jimin, knowing he couldn't hear him. Forget-me-nots were Jimin's favorite flowers, and Yoongi thought about how he had crushed them, ignored them, and killed them.

With a sudden realization, he stood up in fear and stepped back. Jimin loved him very much, and Yoongi understood that he had also killed a part of himself. Everything Jimin loved, Yoongi somehow managed to destroy, including himself. He wanted to run into the house, but his soaked clothes felt like weights tied to his feet, slowing him down. Without hesitation, he tore off his wet clothes, flinging them aside as he reached the veranda and finally entered the house, rushing to the bedroom.

Terrified of mirrors and reflections, Yoongi pulled the blanket over his head, squeezing his eyes shut, wishing that when he woke up, everything would be just a dream, and he fell asleep.

As Jimin received Yoongi's message, he was leaving the doctor's office with his mother, walking towards his car. His mother noticed Jimin's slowing pace and stopped, turning to face him.

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