10. Blackmail

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What's your favourite movie?

Song: '505' By Arctic Monkeys


Giovanni Cattivo's POV:

With Luca and Angelina gone, my sons and I make our way to my office. "Alright, Matteo, any updates on the Ianuccis?" The Ianuccis are a well renowned crime family in the upper north side of Italy, and they've been a pain in my ass.

"None. The last person who saw any of its members was Frederico from the dockside, and he's still
missing." "We all know they took him, but where? We've searched every corner and alley of Italy, still with no trace of where they've gone. It's like they've vanished into nothing but air."

"They'll show up. They always do. And when they do, we'll be ready." Matteo says, as a loud ringing noise cuts our conversation short. I pull out my phone and answer, putting them on speaker. "Ciao, è Giovanni Cattivo?" (Hello, is this Giovanni Cattivo?) The man on the phone asks. "Sì, è lui. Chi sta parlando?" (Yes, this is he. Who is speaking?)

"Salve, sono Gabrielle Caiola della Polizia di Taormina. La chiamo per informarla che suo figlio Luca Cattivo e sua figlia Angelina Cattivo sono stati arrestati per violazione di domicilio e tentato furto." (Hello, this is Gabrielle Caiola from the Taormina Police. I am calling to inform you that your son Luca Cattivo and your Daughter Angelina Cattivo have been arrested for trespassing and attempted theft.)

Lorenzo starts laughing. "Lorenzo, quiet." I warn him, as he smirks. "She's got balls after all." Alessandro snorts, and pushes Lorenzo. "Bigger than yours, huh." He says, as Lorenzo pushes him off the couch.

"Stanno bene?" (Are they alright?) "Sì, abbiamo effettuato un controllo medico per eventuali ferite gravi ed entrambi non ne hanno, ad eccezione di alcuni lividi causati dalla collisione." (Yes, we had a medic check for any severe injuries, and they both have none, except for some bruises caused by the collision.)

"Bene. Cosa hanno rubato e da dove?" (Good. What did they steal and where from?) The sound of papers rustling can be heard, as he reads out the report.

"Hanno fatto irruzione nel nostro deposito della polizia e hanno tentato di rubare una Lamborghini Diablo rossa alle 12:54." (They broke into our police impound and attempted to steal a red Lamborghini Diablo at 12:54am.)

"Una Lamborghini Diablo rossa? Qual è la targa?" (A red Lamborghini Diablo? What's the number plate?) More rustling. "ENZ069." Lorenzo stops laughing. "That's my fucking car!" "Quiet, Lorenzo. Quanto è danneggiata l'auto?" (How damaged is the car?) "Hanno tentato di attraversare il cancello, ma non ci sono riusciti, causando gravi danni alla parte anteriore del veicolo, inclusi fari rotti, cofano graffiato e ammaccato e griglia anteriore completamente rotta." (They attempted to drive through the gate, but failed, which caused the front of the vehicle severe damage, including broken headlights, the bonnet is scratched and dented, and the front grill was broken completely.)

"Motherfuckers! I'm going to rip them to shreds." He snarls, as I give him a warning look. "You will do no such thing. Cosa succederà loro?" (What is going to happen to them?) "Rischiano una multa di 600 euro e se non possono essere pagati saranno costretti a presentarsi al giudice e alla giuria in tribunale e decidere se la reclusione è una punizione sufficiente." (They are facing a €600 fine and if that cannot be paid they will be required to present themselves to the judge and jury in court and decide whether their punishment is imprisonment or not.)

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