chapter one

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3rd person pov:

the third year of high school has started for most of the 2005 born students, where a lot of studying and discipline from one is needed, and also, the third year of high school, the year where danielle and haerin decided on focusing on studying, making a good example to others as haerin has always been on the top of their grade, while danielle placed second, always one step behind the younger.

now, all students of class 3-2 are focused on an exam, which is worth a quarter of their grade, meaning it's not too important but still could make a dent in your final grade.

as time goes by, haerin walks up to the front to give her paper to their maths teacher, who proudly nods at the cat-like girl, knowing she's gonna get an 100 again, just like always. haerin nods back at her teacher in return, a proud smile tugging at her lips as she looks over to her bestest friend, danielle, who seems to be on the last page of the three paged exam.

while haerin is observing her best friend's every move, mustering her face, where her nose is scrunched up, which is a sign of confusion. so, as unnoticeable as possible, haerin knocks on her desk three times with her finger tips, to which danielle delayingly looks over at the younger one.

"it's 270.87", haerin discreetly mouths towards danielle, who can knowingly read people's lips all too well, so this is what haerin always does when she notices danielle being stuck on an exam. again, with a small delay to make it less noticeable, danielle smiles back at her childhood best friend, turning her attention back to the exam sheet.

a while later, which haerin spends on looking out of the window, danielle gets up from her seat next to haerin, smiling at the taller one before smiling at their maths teacher, who nods at danielle proudly as well.

danielle pov:

as i walk back to my seat, smiling brightly at haerin, i turn towards her once i sit down at my desk, feeling haerin's gaze on me continuously. if only i had the courage to confess to her, i would, but i can't ruin our friendship, i mean i've practically known her my whole life and it just won't be the same thing.

"dani unnie?",haerin quietly whispers to my direction, to which i turn towards her, wordlessly telling her to keep talking as her eyes light up oh so prettily.

anyway, when haerin spoke, i barely paid attention, why? because i was too distracted by her eyes, her smile, just, her. she's too pretty to not stare at, to not admire or like. "nielle unnie..are you even paying attention to what i'm saying..?",haerin pops my little bubble, bringing me back to reality. uh oh.

(forgot to mention that haerin skipped a grade in like third grade to be in the same class as dani bcs she hated leaving dani's side T-T)

"oh my god, hae, i'm so sorry..i-",i blurt out rather loudly, getting a stern look from mr park, who's usually really proud of the two of us, so i nod, taking haerin's wrist gently as i get up and go into the hallway, the cat yelping quietly as she stumbles over her own feet, oh that was adorable.

i quickly scan the hallways, clear. nobody else seems to be outside of their home rooms, maybe that's because our whole grade has the same exams at the same time and haerin and me finished pretty quickly, anyways back to talking with haerin.

"unnie? why did you drag me out there?",haerin curiously asks, tilting her head at me which makes her look even more than a cat than she already is, i think i'm falling again and again for the poor confused girl.

as i get lost in my thoughts about my poor best friend, i feel a hand on my thigh, hitting me. "what the-", i almost swear out loud, putting a hand over my mouth quickly. "pfft",haerin lets out, to which i glare at her jokingly.

"you're too funny, unnie!",the cat like girl now laughs out loud, continuously hitting me everywhere, so i break into laughter as well, finding it funny how easy i can make her laugh.

this makes me long for when we were younger again, more carefree and just free. when we used to hang out so much as kids that our parents got used to just going to the other family's house and picking up either hae or me. when all we had on our minds was just being kids and not studying 24/7. when we wouldn't and couldn't leave each other's sides so haerin skipped a grade to be in the same class as me, and and and and.

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