Chapter One

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The minute I open my eyes I sigh. That has been my life for the past week. I have just been sighing. I stare at the ceiling for a few minutes before getting out of bed. Taking my phone from the nightstand, I press play on my Taylor Swift playlist.

If you're going through a heartbreak, Taylor Swift is the right person to listen to. Wildest dreams (definitely her best song) starts playing on my phone as I'm making the bed. I have about a million pillows. Yeah I'm one of those. I place the million pillows on the bed and make my way to the bathroom. It was 6am and school starts at 7:30. I had a lot of time to spare.

Looking at my reflection in the mirror and God I do not look pretty! I'm a mess. I look like defeat. Mostly because that's what I am. I'm defeated. I hate what heartbreak does to you. Let's just stay far away from boys. Not good for you at all. I sigh. God if I had a dollar every time I sighed I'd be a millionaire by now.

Hopping into the shower, my thoughts as always run wild and stupid. Why her? Why not me? What is it that I don't have that she has? Yep these are the questions that now occupy the mind of Star Damon. Ugh I'm being pathetic and dumb. I shake my head and step out of the shower. Can't believe how pathetic those thoughts are. And yet, they are the ones that occupy my mind. HE occupies my mind.

Finally done being way in my head, I walk out of the bathroom to my closet. Decided to settle on some cute blue jeans and a white crop top with black heeled boots. Kind of a cute outfit. It was a sunny day in Prineville Square and I loved me some sun. Now to the biggest job, doing my hair. Jesus the struggles I have with this hair every morning is tiring!

I had really dark hair and it was gorgeous. My eyes are a honey brown and i had a fairly good figure. Putting on my outfit, I text Cass that I'll be picking her up in a few minutes.

I'm done fighting my hair (settled for a messy bun), so I head downstairs and my mom is already sitting at the breakfast table. She has seen the changes in my mood this past week and hasn't asked me what's happening. I know she is itching to ask but she's also giving me my space and I appreciate that. I'll tell her when I'm ready.

"Morning baby" she smiles at me. She looks tired, she definitely needs a few days off. My mom is a cardiologist at one of the top private hospitals here. I know, the irony of her being a cardiologist.

"Hi mom, you look tired. Busy week?", I ask as I go to the kitchen and take a bottle of water. "Very busy, and I have surgery today, after that I'm done and coming home to just rest. My patients need me to be at my best".

"I won't join you for breakfast. I'll just grab some fruits and eat on the way. Have you seen Miss Watson?". Miss Watson has been our helper for as long as I can remember. She's like a second mother to me. We have the best gossiping sessions about everyone including my mom.

"Uhm no, she's gonna come a bit late. Something about missing a bus" my mom says.

I walk to my mom and kiss her on the cheek "alright mom I'll see you later" I grab the fruits and walk towards the door.

"Bye baby, have a nice day" she says behind me. That I know I will not have. I sigh. Again.

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