Chapter Two

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I'm now waiting outside Cassy's house in my red Mini Cooper. Cass and I have been friends since pre school. She's been my best friend for years. Another friend of ours is Stephanie. We met her in 9th Grade and immediately clicked. Together we are the three musketeers.

We're all in junior year and definitely cannot wait till we are seniors. Steph is majoring in art and she's really good at it. Like badass good at it. Cass is the brain amongst us majoring in maths and science. Me? Well I'm doing history and geography. We're so different yet compatible. It all works together.

"Why are you always so early goddammit!". Cass says as she struggles with opening the door while holding her bag and books with one hand.

I chuckle and she glares at me. Cass is NOT a morning person. Finally she manages to open the passenger door and sits. Taking a long breath she turns to my direction.

Here we go, I thought to myself.

"Does your bed have bugs?". I roll my eyes at her, "Cass stop being dramatic, school starts in 30 min". I say as I start to reverse out of her driveway.

"EXACTLY. So why are you here 30 min before?!! We are literally 15 min away from school" she shouts.

"I like driving slow and not being in a rush" I say to her as I press play on my music. Taylor Swift continues playing. Suddenly the music stops. "Hey!" I shout at Cass.

"Love my girl Taylor but if I hear one song from her again I will literally slice my ears off with a knife. You've been depressed enough. You need a break from sad songs" she says as she changes the music to hip hop. She's probably right. I've been depressed long enough now.

We arrive at school and walk towards our lockers. Steph is already waiting for us. "Well you look cute today" Steph says as she looks me up and down.

"Stop trying to be cute Steph and stop what you're doing". I know she's trying to cheer me up. I've had a long week and thank God it was Friday. I have never hated coming to school like I did this week.

"Okay tonight we're going out. We're gonna look hot, and go out and have some fun. Drink till we pass out" Cass says looking at me. I look at her and shake my head, "I'm not coming".

Cass rolls her eyes at me, "See how I didn't ask you?. You're coming. Full stop".

I couldn't argue with Cass, no one could. So I nodded. They both act so excitedly and suddenly they freeze. I don't even have to ask, I just know what it is. Taking a deep breath, I turn around and see him. My heart picks up and I start feeling hot. Get it together you stupid heart!

"I literally can't escape them. The universe hates me" 

"Usually I'd say you're being dramatic but yeah this time around you're right, this is unfair" Cass doesn't say another word as we watch Chris and his girlfriend walk past us pretending he did not see me. She gently squeezes my hand and looks at me with a sad smile. I hate him. Yet my heart? That's a different story.

"I'll be fine. Eventually" I say. Hopefully I really will be one day. I don't know how long i can take this. My heart might give up.

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