Chapter Eleven

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Now, I literally sprinted to the cafeteria. I didn't have any classes with Cass and Steph in the morning so I didn't tell them what happened with Ryan after they left.

Walking into the Cafe out of breath, I look crazy but that doesn't matter. I need to tell the girls what happened. Spotting them sitting at our favourite spot, I go to them.

"Why the hell are you running?", Cass asks. Taking a seat and a few breaths,

"Ryan told me I look beautiful today AND he noticed my earrings". They both don't say anything but just smile. I look at them questionably.

"Oh you really really like him", Steph finally says.

"What!?, no it's not like that. I mean duh he's a hot guy but like like him?? Nope not that", I say it all in one breath and very fast.

"Baby, it's okay. Who wouldn't like him?" Steph says. She continues, "He's got the whole school talking about him. Everyone wants to know who he is. Where he comes from and why he started school mid term, he's the reason everyone looked so crazy when we arrived in the morning ".

I mean I have those questions too.

"Also, a lot of girls wanna know how you know him", Cass says wiggling her eyebrows.

I smile. Can't believe I've kissed the hottest guy in school right now. Yeah, he's the hottest guy. Trust me! I have thought about it and confirmed it. He's the hottest. And I know how his lips taste.

"He says he'd like to see me around", I say not making eye contact with them. I just chew on my food avoiding their faces.

"And he's walking up to us now", Cass says looking over my shoulder. It takes a minute for her words to register what she's saying.


"Hey", a voice says.

My heart starts racing. I freeze. That voice. I know that voice. I look to my left and Ryan is standing next to me. He's looking at me. And he's looking at me like I'm the best thing he's ever seen. Okay maybe I'm just imagining it. Whatever. Mentally slapping myself, I clear my throat,

"Hi", my voice comes out weak. Fucking hell!

"Hey Cassy and Stephanie", he greets.

"You can call me Cass",

I raise my eyebrows at her. She only lets people close to her call her that. Did she hit her head? She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

Ryan chuckles and looks at me, "Mind if I join you guys? I don't mean to intrude".

He's still staring at me. What? Why? Shouldn't he be making friends? Why does he want to sit with us?

Steph clears her throat, "forgive her rudeness, she spaces out a lot. Of course you can join us. STAR!", her shouting my name brings me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry" I say shyly. I scoot over and he sits next to me. Man he smells good.

It is at this moment I realise that the whole cafe is looking at our exchange. And now they have shocked faces because he's sitting next to us. Or actually, he's sitting next to me. Hell I'm still shocked too.

"So Ryan", Cass starts off, "where are you from".

With that question, I notice that he shifts uncomfortably. That's weird. What if he's a serial killer and skipped town? Can never trust a man.

"Uhm, my family moves around a lot, can't really say where I'm from". Yep. Serial killer. "But currently, I'm staying at Calloways Estate", he continues.

Our eyes go wide. Calloways Estate is an apartment complex. Those apartments do not come cheap at all! He must be from money. But since he says they move around, I guess his parents didn't wanna buy a house.

A senior girl comes to our table. Not just any senior girl. Mia. The president of the school. Our school nominates a senior student every year to be president of the school. Someone who acts as our voice and takes our complaints to the headmasters. So yeah, she's a big deal. And she's a gorgeous girl. Really gorgeous.

She stands by Ryans side, "Hey Ryan, wanted to ask if you can help with that Math problem we were given earlier on", she scans us with a bored face and continues, "You don't seem busy".

Excuse me?? I actually chuckle and shake my head. Wow. Had no idea she was rude. She didn't even greet us. Mean girl energy? That is so 2010. Cass and Steph chuckle too. We all don't say a thing and just look at her.

Ryan turns his head to look at her, his eyes had an emotion I couldn't really read. It's as if he was annoyed too, "I AM busy".

His tone sent shivers down my body. It was so hard and final. Three words and I cannot explain to you how much they affected me. They were cold.

I don't think Mia expected that response too coz she's taken aback. She looks shocked but immediately covers it up. Quickly recovering, she clears her throat,

"You know, seniors are supposed to help each other. It's a rule I came up with as president of the school". She made sure she emphasised that last part. I roll my eyes. I can't believe this.

"Was never really a rules kind of guy", Ryan simply says and looks away from her dismissively.

Okay now I'm shocked. He just did that? And he means it because he doesn't look back at Mia. At all. Looking at her, Mia is fuming. Also very embarrassed. She turns on her feet and walks away. I have second hand embarrassment for her.

"You're making it so easy to like you I won't lie", Cass says.

Ryan laughs, "I don't like people that are unnecessarily mean, there was no need for her to do what she just did".

Okay Okay maybe like him? Is that even possible? To like someone you've only seen twice?? That even sounds crazy when I say it.

"Never thought she was a mean girl. Always looked nice", I add.

"Never underestimate how people are willing to act out of character for the attention of men", Steph comments. True. The things we do for the attention of men is crazy. I've been there trust me I know.

"So, have you made any friends?", I decide to change the subject.

He looks at me and smile, "I have actually. Even got invited to the tryouts for the football team by a few guys". I freeze.

My heart rate picks up. Those damn two words! The things that are attached to them. The memories. The heartaches.

I guess Ryan noticed my changed expression. "Are you okay?".

"That's a story for another day. Stick around and maybe you'll find out", Steph says.

He looks confused and just nods slowly. The bell rings and it's time for class again. Thank God. I need to get out of here.

Gathering my strength, "I guess I'll see you around", I simply say to him and walk away. I do not wait for him to say anything. I don't even say bye to Cass and Steph.

Football team. Lol.

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