Chapter Five

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My phone rings so loudly i nearly fell off the bed. Groaning , I pick it up. "Bitch I've been calling you for the tenth million time!! Open the door!!"

Cass screams and I hear Steph in the background saying "if she's sleeping I will choke her to death".

Oh fuck!

"Okay okay I'm coming". Jumping off the bed, I literally sprint down the stairs and I check the time on my phone. Fuck it's 5:30pm and I haven't even showered.

I forgot to set an alarm. They're gonna kill me. I'm so dead. Miss Watson has already left by this time.

Opening the door with a sheepish smile, the two faces in front of me just glare at me pissed.

"I passed out" I said sheepishly. They both roll their eyes and pass me to enter the house. "You better run upstairs and go take a very quick shower".

I do as I'm told and I run straight up to my bathroom. Taking the quickest shower of my life, I get out of the bathroom and my room is a MESS. Clothes and shoes are everywhere. Like literally everywhere. This is the tornado Frank Ocean was talking about.

"You're all packing this back up when you're done because there is absolutely no way" I say as I walk to the mirror trying not to trip on all the clothes on the floor.

"Yeah yeah shut up and put this on" Steph hands me a dress. "And put these on" Cass hands me the shoes. The dress is a black satin dress that is short but not too short, it's one of my favourite dresses I own. The shoes Cass gave me are black heeled shoes with some diamonds on the heel. They're very cute.

I put everything on and Steph points me to sit in front of the mirror. Not saying a word either, I sit and she works her magic with makeup and my hair. She turns the chair around so I don't see myself in the mirror. The drama. She's the best at makeup and hair styling, it's the art in her. We always joke about it.

After she's done, she turns me to look at the mirror and boy do I look hot. My hair is tied into a high curled ponytail and there are two strings of curled hair that are on either side of my face. I look so gorgeous. My makeup is so daring with the smokey look and brown lip liner with gloss. I looked HOT. I smile. They both look at me in awe and I roll my eyes.

"Thank you guys, I look soo hot Steph wow", I really did.

Cass replies with a "duh" and Steph just nods. Proud of her work. I'd be proud to because she did amazing. Checking them out to see what they're wearing, Steph is wearing a green mini skirt with a strapless black tank top and white heels. Her brown her is curled into a bob. She looks gorgeous. On the other hand, Cass is wearing blue shorts with a white bodysuit and black healed boots. She looks exotic with her outfit. They both look so hot.

"Well you two certainly look hot" I say.

"Three you mean" Cass jumps in, "we all look hot. Now let's request and get the hell out of here".

"We need to eat first so we can drink guys come on" I say. Before you go out, make sure you're full and you will be able to drink any amount of alcohol you want. Trust me.

"Oh yeah defs" Cass says.

We head downstairs and quickly eat. I had texted my mom I'm going out but she hadn't replied. She should've been back by now but I guess she got caught up with something at work. She only had one surgery today so I guess it got busy. There's always something that comes up. We quickly finish eating so we request and soon the Uber arrives and we are on our way.

The club we're going to is called The Circle. It is a nice spot and definitely safe for high school kids like us. It's actually more like a spot for high school kids. They have tight security and do not play when it comes to the safety of their customers.

You get too drunk and start misbehaving, they will throw you out. They also have their cars for transport services for those who are too drunk to drive. So we can always use the cars when we leave too drunk. It's always safe.

We arrive and as always, it is packed and the music is blasting. We get out of the Uber and see the long line to get in.

I groan and Steph laughs at me. I hated standing in long lines. It's one of the worst things. But, luckily for us, the bouncers know us and we're like their little sisters.

We haven't been here in a while thou. We walk up to Tommy and Brian and their faces light up before Tommy quickly pretends to be mad. I laugh.

"Now Tommy I know you cannot be mad at us. Come on" I say. He just stares at me.

Brian on the other hand is hugging Steph and Cass. "You guys abandoned us" Tommy says.

"Oh come on drama Queen" Cass says. "It's just been a month since we came". Honestly he really was being dramatic.

"Hi Brian, how you doing", Steph asks him. "Better now that you guys are here. We've missed you".

Tommy scoffs beside him and says "speak for yourself". We all laugh at him.

"Tommy, we're sorry okay? We will come here every weekend because somewhere in your head we always have money", Steph says to him.

"Fine, but you're standing in line as a punishment", Tommy says.

"What!", the three of us including Brian say with wide eyes open.

"I'd rather go home than stand in this line". I don't care how much fun I'm looking for, I'm not standing in this line.

"You know, she just got dumped and that's why we're here" Cass says to Tommy and Brian.

They all look at me with shocked faces. Yeah everyone knew about Chris and I. Ugh. Now it was their turn to say "WHAT!". And boy did they look angry.

"We can talk about it some other time. Definitely not tonight, can we go in?".

"I'll kill him" Tommy says as he opens the way for us to go in.

"Yeah he's dead" Brian adds.

I shake my head and laugh as I walk in. And then we were in. Let the night begin!

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