Chapter Twelve

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The last bell rings, finally. Can't wait to get out of this hell. Mondays suck! As I'm walking out of my class, I see Cass already waiting for me by my locker.

"They're having the tryouts in about 5min, wanna go?", she asks. I look at her confused.

"Why would I want to go there? Chris will obviously be there and I definitely don't wanna see him". She knows how much Chris affects me still.

"I know, but guess who else will be there", she says excitedly. I'm still looking at her confused.

"Oh my God Star! RYAN! He said he was invited for the tryouts!".

Oh shit yes he did! I forgot about that. Would be fun to see if he's good at it. Which I'm sure he is. He looks like the type.

"Okay let's go", I say smiling but deep down I'm nervous, I don't think I'm ready to see Chris. But at some point, I'm gonna have to move on. So I'll just focus on Ryan only. Hopefully. We text Steph and tell her where she'll find us because her last class on Monday takes too long to finish.

Walking through the football gates, my heart picks up. So many memories, both good and bad. The last time I was here, I got dumped. Lol. Chris dumped me at the one place we'd hung out a lot and shared many cute memories. Like how cruel can you be?

Cass suddenly takes my hand, "I got you". I smile at her.

Immediately as we walk in, I spot Ryan and boy does he look good in our football uniform. Wow he's so hot. Like really really hot. And I notice that there's actually a lot of girls sitting on the stands.

Yeah I'm sure everyone is here for Ryan. We're all the same because there's no way a lot of girls came out to watch the tryouts. It's all about the new hot guy. Typical.

Cass and I find seats and as we take them, I see Ryan running up the stairs towards us. Okay my heart picks up for a different reason now. Why is he coming over now!

"Hey guys", he says and throws that devilish smile of his, wow he's gorgeous.

Like when he smiles, it's like every problem could be solved. He just ran up the stairs and he's not even breathless. Wow. I'd be hyperventilating.

"Hey", is the only reply I manage to say. I can feel my cheeks getting hot. Why am I blushing! Get it together Star! I avoid eye contact.

"You guys came just to watch the tryouts?", he asks.

"Uhm not really, to also laugh at those who are being way too ambitious" Cass adds immediately. I laugh and so does Ryan.

"It means I must put on my A game then so you guys don't laugh at me", Ryan says.

"You better", I say.

"Alright, catch up with you guys later, wish me luck!", Ryan turns and leaves but not before he checks me out. I definitely saw him checking me out.

"That boy is head over heels for you it's almost too cute", Cass says shaking her head while staring ahead where Ryan is running. I think she saw him checking me out too. I just laugh.

I look at the pitch and see Chris looking my direction. Why the hell is he looking at us. And why does he look pissed? I avert my eyes away from him. Cass notices this and just grabs my hand and squeezes it.

I take a deep breath to calm down. It's only now I notice that the girls sitting on the stands are also looking our direction. Must be because Ryan came to us. I'm sure they think I'm throwing myself at him. They wouldn't be wrong. But hey! Who wouldn't?!!

The tryouts start and Jesus I have to say, Ryan is actually good at this. Like he's great even. I'm sure he played at his previous school. He's too good. And he looks soo good running around and throwing the ball. I also notice that Chris is not soo fond of him. Weird coz he barely knows the guy. Or maybe he's just threatened there's another hot guy in school taking all the attention who's also good at football. Stupid boy stuff.

Ryan makes the cut obviously and is now part of the football team. With my ex. The guy I have a mini crush (yes it's a mini crush) on is on the same team as the guy who broke my heart. The universe conspires against me. Steph joins us as the tryouts are about to finish.

"Wow, your class took forever today", I say to her as she sits next to me.

"Tell me about it! Mondays are the worst. What did I miss?".

Cass and I look at her laughing, "uhm everything??", we both say.

"So your future boyfriend is on the same team as your ex boyfriend? Wild", Steph comments.

I was just saying that!! I just said that! Hitting Steph on the shoulder, "he is not my future boyfriend!" I say defending myself.

"Yeah right, like you wouldn't want that", Cass rolls her eyes.

"Okay we need to go, it's getting late", I start packing my water bottle and snacks and Steph and Cass do the same. I can't see Ryan so I guess I'll see him tomorrow and congratulate him.

"Star!", I hear my name being called out as we're walking down the halls to go to the parking lot. I turn and so does everyone in the hallway. It's Ryan. Holy shit.

He's running towards us. I'm sweating. Why does he affect me this much! I need to get used to him. Having a crush is so stupid.

"Okay, you'll find us in the car" Cass says while taking the car keys.

"Tell him we said congratulations", Steph says before they leave.

I just stand there waiting for him to reach me. I probably look dumb just standing but it's also because I can't move. I'm frozen in one spot. I literally can't move. I hate how much he affects me.

"Leaving without saying bye?", Ryan says as he reaches me. He's out of breath, probably from all that running around the field.

"I couldn't see you on the pitch, congratulations on making the team", I really mean it. Not everyone makes it to the team but I guess he's not just everyone. "Cass and Steph said congratulations too".

"Oh that's nice, thank you guys". We just stand there in silent looking at each other.

Clearing my throat, "I should go, they're waiting for me in the car", I had to break the awkward silence. I don't do too well with awkwardness.

"Oh yeah right I don't mean to keep you, but Uhm, wanna hang out tomorrow at lunch?", I look up at him and he's starring at me with those gorgeous dark eyes, of course I wanna hang out with him duh.

"Sure, no problem", I manage to sound confident. Yay Star!

"Alright cool, I'll see you tomorrow then". Ryan starts leaning closer to me.

Is he about to kiss me? Oh my God he's gonna kiss me again! I just stand frozen, again! Ryan places his lips on my cheek. Well it's still a kiss. I don't say anything. I'm too stunned. And so is everyone watching.

There's definitely gonna be a rumour about us dating tomorrow. I think he sees my shocked state.

"Shit I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that without asking, I'm sorry", he starts rambling.

"No it's okay, i just wasn't expecting it", I say honestly. He relaxes. "See you tomorrow Ryan", and with that I turn on my legs and sprint out of there.

I enjoyed that more than I'd like to admit. I'm smiling to myself like a dummy as I walk to my car. I'm gonna have to tell my other two dummies!

Soon as I get in the car, "Ryan wants us to hang out tomorrow at lunch and he kissed me on my cheek", I say in one breath.

"Okay calm down don't pass out on us!", Cass says with wide eyes open.

I roll my eyes.

"I think he really likes you", Steph says and continues, "means tomorrow you have to look extra hot!".

True, I need to look very cute. I'm gonna have to sort out my outfit before I sleep. Did I mention I'm still smiling like a dummy???

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