Chapter Seven

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"And who is that gorgeous man that is starring after you?", Steph says as she looks past me.

I blush, "he's staring after me?". I mean of course, I do look hot.

"He legit can't take his eyes off of you. He is so hot, damn". I sit down with my back towards the bar. I'm scared I might stare back at him.

Better to avoid him. Too hot for my liking. He looks like trouble. I could do with some trouble thou. Nope don't want that. I don't know, maybe. Okay let me stop.

"You're thinking about him aren't you?" Steph says laughing at me.

"Shut up Steph, you would too. He is super hot and his voice is so deep and sexy".

"We'll Mr super hot and deep voice is coming this direction", she says looking past me.

WHAT. Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God. He can't be coming for me right?? Calm down Star. Calm your stupid self down. I say to myself in my head.

Immediately, I can sense someone standing behind me. I sit still and not move an inch.

"Hi there, I'm Ryan", Ryan introduces himself to Steph. Hmm he's got manners, that's nice.

She looks at me and gives me a look that says "get it together".

Well I'm trying okay!!

"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Stephanie but you can call me Steph". She shakes Ryan's hand. I still don't move an inch. I'm just looking straight ahead. This is probably embarrassing.

He clears his throat and comes to stand beside me. He smells so good. Wow.

"You left before I had a chance to ask you for a dance".

I turn to look at him and my cheeks are burning. He's looking at me with so much confidence. Like a guy who knows what he wants and what he's after and he's gonna get it. Am I what he's after??

"Star", he calls out my name. The way it rolls off his tongue, the way he says it. Jesus how can I say no to that.

"Care to have a dance with me?", he holds out his hand for me. I look at Steph and she's throwing daggers at me. I laugh at her and accept Ryan's hand.

The second our hands touch, there is an electrifying feeling. I suddenly feel so flushed.

He helps me get up and as the dummy I am, I almost stumble. I look at Steph apologetically for leaving her alone and she rolls her eyes at me while motioning for me to go dance. She mouths "he is soo hot" at me. I know girl. I know.

I hadn't realised how tall Ryan was. I'm tall but he's taller than me. And he looks all mysterious with his black jeans, a black shirt and black sneakers. He looks so hot. I'm saying that for the last time. I promise.

He doesn't let go of my hand as we walk towards the dance floor. I can legit see girls and other guys staring at him.

We don't say anything to each other but my thoughts are running wild! A good looking guy is about to dance with me. Me. We reach the dance floor and we start slow dancing.

It's so funny because the music playing is not for slow dancing but it feels so nice. And we look awkward but hey, I don't care. I'm with a hot guy.

His hands come up to my waist and boy the butterflies in my stomach are going wild. Even the tequila shots are wearing off. I put my hands on his shoulders. To be honest I wanted to balance myself because he's making me so nervous.

"I'm sorry if I offended you about the stripper name thing", he suddenly says.

I laugh and look up to him. He was already looking at me. Jesus my breath catches in my throat again and I swallow nothing.

"Trust me, you're not the first person and you certainly won't be the last one to make fun of my name", I say to him and look away. I cannot stare at him for longer than five seconds. Those eyes are just so mesmerising.

"You look beautiful by the way", he says. I blush so intensely I don't say anything back immediately.

"You don't look bad yourself either", I say in a sarcastic tone. He chuckles. What a cute chuckle. This guy will be my undoing. Literally.

We dance in silence. It's not awkward or anything and that's really crazy. I just met this guy and I'm already so comfortable around him. Or maybe it's all in my head.

"You know, I'm pretty lucky you said yes to dancing with me. A lot of guys are staring at me with envy", Ryan break the silence.

I laugh and roll my eyes, "yeah right".

He stops dancing and looks at me, "you truly are beautiful. And thank you for not turning me down. That would have sucked balls". I don't say anything. I don't know what to say.

"So which school do you go to?", he asks suddenly.

Looking up him, "Nope I can't tell a stranger that, what if you want to come and kidnap me after school?". Ryan laughs and his body shakes. It was a genuine laugh.

"That is a good point", he says. "So how about we change that?". I look at him confused.

"Change what?"

"Me being a stranger to you".

"And how do you suppose we do that", I ask him with one eyebrow raised. Something tells me he's very sneaky.

He smirks, "I've heard people say a kiss tells you everything you need to know about a person", he says this as he looks at my lips and back to my eyes.

Of course he's gonna say that. He holds me in his eyes and this time, I can't look away. He has beautiful eyes.

"You just made that up", I laugh at him.

"True, but is that a no?"

Oh he's got balls I'll give him that. Of course it's not a no! Why would I say no to those lips? Am I mad?

"It's not a no, let's see what lies your lips tell".

Yes Star! Show him you got good game too!

Ryan brings his one hand to tilt my chin up and he bends towards my face. Before our lips touch, he looks at me in the eyes and holds me for a few seconds. Safe to say I'm shaking. I'm so nervous.

He brings his face closer to mine and I can feel his breath. I'm sure he can feel mine. His lips touch mine slowly and I become undone.

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