Chapter Four

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After lunch, we all went back to our classes. Surprisingly, I actually did concentrate on these last classes. I don't know maybe it was the excitement about going out tonight. I really was excited. It's actually been a while since we went out.

Apart from being broke, we just haven't been feeling it. But now, we have motivation so the excitement is building up. Also, Cass is right, this is exactly what I need to get back to myself. Just have fun a little you know? Can't be crying over someone who does not care all day everyday.

Nope. I'm done with that. The bell rings for the last class and I pack my books. Walking to my locker, Cass and Steph show up a few minutes later.

"Okay so let's set a time to be at your place and the time we leave" Steph says. "We need to be at your house by 5pm and leave 6:30pm latest. That sounds good?" Cass and I both nod our heads.

The earlier we leave my house, the earlier we come back home. I love going out but coming home early is the best thing because you get to have enough sleep and it also helps with the hangover.

"You guys can crash at my house like how we always do when we go out so no one goes home alone" I say to them. It's like a little rule we have. No one goes home alone and we must all sleep in one house so we can talk about what happened if anything exciting happened. Or if it was boring.

But also, waking up with everyone you went out with the night before is so much fun. Everyone tells their story about the night and it's just laughter.

"Let's goo Sluts!!" Cass shouts and a few passing people look at us weirdly. Yep, definitely Cassy. We take my car from school and I drop each one of them at their houses. "See ya at 5!" I say waving bye to them as I drive home.

I get home at around 3pm. Another good thing about Fridays? Our school gets off early and I personally love that so much. Opening the main door, I immediately smell the delicious meal Miss Watson is preparing in the kitchen. I missed her in the morning so I'm excited to see her.

Running straight to the kitchen, she's standing pouring some water for herself to drink. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Hello baby, how was school?", sitting down in one of the chairs, I roll my eyes, "Boring, hate it, want to quit" I say in one breath.

That makes her laugh. "That bad huh" she says. I just shake my head.

Miss Watson is in her late 50s and looked nothing over 40. She says her secret is eating healthy and exercising. Two things I shall never do. We're all gonna die anyway. Well at least that's what I tell myself when I have junk food for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

"I made some chicken and rice for dinner. I know you love some good chicken" she says and I laugh.

"Sooo...." She starts off and I just know what she's gonna ask. I'm dreading it.

So before she even asks what she wants to ask, I quickly reply, "yeah, still heartbroken, still crying, still listening to sad songs".

I look at her and she's laughing at me. Miss Watson knows because for the past week, she has seen me crying everyday after school. I'd say hi to her and run to my room and just cry. She'd always come up with some juice and comfort me.

"You know, you say Cass is dramatic but you're one and the same". She continues laughing. "You will get over that boy baby, we've all been there. This might not even be your last heartbreak, and you'll be fine. You really will be".

I smile at her. But please, may I not experience any more heartbreaks, I might die. No like for real, I might just drop dead if this ever happens again.

"I'm going out tonight with Steph and Cass. Need to bring back the life in my life." I laugh at my wordplay.

She looks up at me and smiles, "as you should. It's what you need. To have fun with your friends and not stay locked up in your room. You better look very cute. Maybe you'll meet a handsome boy and dance with him and fall in love" she laughs.

"Don't let Cass hear you say cute, she wants me to look hot" I say to her as I'm walking out of the kitchen to go upstairs. I hear her laughing behind me,

"That girl is a problem".

Getting to my room, there's still some time before we have to leave. I can squeeze in a little nap.

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