Chapter Eight

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Time seems to slow down. Literally. I cannot tell you how long we kissed for. His lips were so perfect on mine. Like they were made for me. He was so gentle in his kiss yet so sure in what he was doing.

He held my waist with one hand while the other came up to the back of my head. I'm very dramatic because I began to feel lightheaded.

I slowly stop the kiss without moving away, he pecks my lips twice before kissing my forehead. Forehead kiss? He is on a mission! I love forehead kisses so much. I find them very cute.

At this stage I am breathing heavily! That was such an amazing kiss.

"Wow", that's the first thing he says.

I'm too shy to look up at him so I just rest my head on his chest. I feel his hand rubbing my back.

"Still a stranger?", he asks.

I laugh and I finally pull away. He was a bit hesitant to let me pull away. Cute. I look up at him and smirk,

"I can officially tell you that a kiss does NOT tell you everything you need to know about a person".

He tilts his head and studies me before smirking. "Not everything? So what did it tell you then?".

I smile and my cheeks hurt from all the blushing I've been doing tonight, "It only told me that you're a good kisser". I say confidently. Go Star! Go Star!

He chuckles, "you're very funny, I love that".

I smile, "I would say thank you but I already know that so yeah", I say.

This time he actually laughs. "So I guess I don't have to say you have amazing lips coz you already know?".

Amazing lips? He's got game. But I know the game too.

"Nothing new there" I say coyly.

Before we can say any other word. Cass comes running towards me and stops dead in her tracks when she sees Ryan.

"And who is this hot stuff over here". Ryan laughs and shakes his head. "Even a hot laugh", Cass adds. That's what I said!!

"Sorry to burst your bubble hottie, but I need this one here".

Before we can both say anything, Cass is already pulling me away from Ryan. Does she hate me?? Is she my enemy??

I look back to Ryan as we start walking away and he's just standing there looking sad and confused.

"What is going on Cass! You just cockblocked me you bitch!". I hiss at her as she drags me to where Steph is.

Finally we stop, "sorry, we need to leave asap". I bulge my eyes out!

"What!! I was just dancing with a hot guy! Isn't that what you wanted for me? Also why are we leaving now??!". I shout at Cass.

"Calm your tits and horny ass down" Cass says to me.

I say nothing back because it's true. I am very much turned on.

Cass continues, "I know okay and I'm sorry. But the guy I was dancing and making out with got way too drunk he started groping me roughly. He's out of control and I don't feel comfortable anymore".

Oh hell no we cannot have that. We definitely have to leave.

"Let's go ask Tommy and Brian to get us a ride", I immediately say. I look around again for Ryan and I don't see him. Dammit! There goes my chance of ever making out with him again.

"I'm really sorry Star, I truly am", Cass says as we walk towards the exit.

"It's okay, your safety comes first". I really mean it. My friends come first. I see Jason and tell him to keep our bill on the tab. We came here so much we even had a tab open.

"Leaving already?", Brian asks as we reach them.

"Yeah, funs over", Steph says. Tommy is already calling a car for us. Tommy and Brian had that typical security guard body. You know, big and buff? That was definitely them.

A car immediately comes and we hop in. "It was nice seeing you three. Don't disappear on us like that", Tommy says. "Get them home safely", Brian says to the driver. We wave goodbye to them and soon we are on our way.

"I'm sorry for what happened Cass. Men are disgusting and it shouldn't be like that", Steph says to Cass.

She shakes her head, "And he really seemed like a good guy you know".

Cass turns to me and raises an eyebrow, "talking about men, who was THAT hottie you were with".

I laugh, Steph cuts me in, "they made out".

"WHAT!!!", Cass almost bursts our eardrums. "You made out with a hot guy and I missed it?!"

"Calm down it was just a kiss", I try to sound cool.

Cass and Steph exchange a look and they burst out laughing. "It was just a kiss?", Cass says laughing, "yeah right".

I roll my eyes. Okay maybe it wasn't just a kiss. Hell it was one of the best kisses I've ever had.

"No need to act cool missy, I saw you losing your breath as you were kissing" Steph adds. Oh shut up Stephanie! 

"Okay okay okay!" I raise my hands. "he's soo hot!! Oh my word and he smells amazing! His lips are a work of art. The butterflies in my stomach were erupting. And the way he held me was so gentle".

"Okay i really really do feel bad now about taking you away from him", Cass says sadly.

"Never that, you come first. Always. There's always gonna be another hot guy".

"Not as hot as him though", Steph adds.

Yeah, not as hot as him. Chris was hot, but I don't think he's as hot as Ryan. Why am I thinking about Chris again??

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