Chapter Ten

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Time stops. Literally. I'm not even aware of where I am right now. What is happening? Am I hallucinating??

"Star?", he calls out my name.

I have just been looking at him in shock. What the hell is he doing here? Clearing my throat,

"Hey", my voice comes out a little out of breath. Dammit. I turn to look at Cass and Steph, they're still in as much shock as me.

Their eyes are wide and mouths are hanging. As I avert my eyes, I notice that almost everyone is looking at us. By us I mean Ryan and they're probably asking themselves why is he talking to me right now.

"You do remember me right?", Ryan asks a bit concerned. Searching my face for some answers. Narrowing my eyes at him, I decide to have some fun with him.

"Uhm should I?", I say with a serious tone. I like to call myself Angelina Jolie when it comes to acting. I was born with it okay?

"Oh", he says and he actually sounds serious. His face falls. He didn't get my joke. See? Very convincing.

As I was about to respond, Cass cuts in, apparently she's over the shock now, "as if", she simply states.

I look at her and she's shaking her head. Looking back at Ryan, he looks confused. I actually think he's also playing along.

"Hi Ryan", I say. He inhales and exhales a breath. He throws me his gorgeous smile. How I had missed it. Reminder that everyone in the hallway is still staring at this exchange. I try to avoid the eyes and focus on Ryan.

"You know, for a second there you had me", he laughs.

"Maybe I should really consider acting if I managed to convince you", Ryan laughs and Jesus Christ what a beautiful laugh.

"Actually, what are you doing here?", as I say this, I notice that he also has a backpack. He has black ripped jeans on, a short sleeved dark blue shirt and black sneakers. He looks hot and his muscles are out. Damn those arms!

"Done checking me out again?",

Ugh! I roll my eyes and smile.

"And to answer your question, I transferred schools to here".

"WHAT!", Cass, Steph and I say all together. He looks a bit taken back by our reply and that's when he greets them.

"Wait I'm sorry, hi, Stephanie I met, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself to you, I'm Ryan", he says to Cass.

"Don't worry hottie, I know. A certain someone couldn't stop talking about you this past weekend", Cass doesn't even spare me a look because she knows I'm throwing daggers at her!!

Ryan chuckles and I avoid looking at him. To change the subject because what Cass just said is very embarrassing,

"Wait what do you mean you transferred schools to here?". Does he mean he now goes to our school? What? What!!!!!?

"Don't worry, I'm not stalking you or anything. I transferred last week before we met. It's my first day today thou, got delayed or I would've started last week", he simply states.

Oh my word. What is happening. And then something clicks. Wait.

"How did you know I went here? How did you even find me?".

His face shifts and he actually looks embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head, he clears his throat,

"I uhm, I might have flirted with the administrator lady to find out which grade you're in and where your classes are", he says sheepishly avoiding eye contact. It's very cute.

Why am I finding that soo cute?? But still. How did he know I went to this school?? As if hearing my thoughts,

"Also again, I'm not a stalker, the bartender at the club told me you went here. Couldn't believe my luck actually".

Oh! Jason!! Of course.

The bells rings and it's time for classes to start. What grade is he even in? Jesus what if he's younger than me? Shit. I turn to my locker and finish up taking my books and then turn to him.

"I need to get to class", I tell him.

"Yeah of course, I also need to figure out where the hell my classes are", he says looking around.

"You asked where HER classes are and not where yours are? A man on a mission", Cass says while smiling.

"Which classes are you taking?", Steph asks him. I get very anxious waiting for his reply.

"Senior classes".

Oh my God. I gasp! He's a senior! Oh my word. He's a fucking senior! That's even more perfect! I kissed a guy who is in senior year! What!

"Damn, you're a senior?" Cass immediately says. Exactly!

"Yeah", Ryan chuckles. "I should probably go look for my classes. Don't wanna be late on my first day".

"Star can direct you", Steph says and I narrow my eyes at her. Cass and Steph quickly walk away and say bye to Ryan. They both look at me and nod their heads. I just roll my eyes and smile.

Taking a deep breath. I turn to Ryan and direct him to his classes. Should be easy to find them. He seems like a smart guy.

"Alright thank you. Think I got it. I'll see you around?".

"Yeah, you will". Would definitely love to see him around I won't even lie.

He nods and started walking away before turning again. I raise my eyebrows thinking he wants to ask something,

"You look beautiful by the way. Love the earrings".

And with that he's gone. He noticed my cute studs. They were star shaped. Yeah yeah, I know I know. Very typical. I smile to myself and walk towards my class. Pays attention to the little things? Oh I'm screwed.

The minute I enter my class, everyone looks at me like I have just killed someone. I walk to my desk warily and sit. I can hear a few whispers.

"How does she know him?"
"He walked straight up to her"
"I'm sorry but he's gonna be mine"
"He's way too hot for her maybe they're cousins",

Oh come on! I roll my eyes. In a way, I did get it though. Ryan is a hot guy. Beautiful even. Very. So he's obviously gonna grab the attention of every girl and guy in here. But then, he did walk up straight to me. He was looking around for me. He came looking for me. Me. I don't even know what that means but I feel all giddy and excited.

The teacher enters the class and everyone goes silent. Did I listen to anything said in this class? Nope. I also couldn't stop smiling. Kept thinking about how he told me I'm beautiful, again. He really did seem like a nice guy. Guess I'll be seeing him around then. I smile.

Ugh stop it Star!

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