Chapter Nine

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The weekend actually flew past by. Cass and Steph ended up spending the weekend at my house. My mom loves them so she is always cool with them staying over. We don't even have to ask anymore.

The whole weekend they both kept making fun of me because I couldn't stop thinking about Ryan. I mean would you?

We even tried to search for him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram but only knowing his first name, it was impossible. So he still remained a mystery. I need to go back to the club again on Friday and maybe I'll find him. Damn. I'm acting desperate aren't I?? Okay let me stop.

I'm actually getting ready for school because it's Monday. AGAIN. I hate Mondays. They suck so much in all aspects. But at least I got to kiss a hot guy over the weekend. I think to myself. And it was a good kiss.

I'm not even exaggerating when I say I can still feel his lingering lips on mine. Something about those lips. Okay missy you need to finish getting ready or you'll be late.

Quickly drying out my hair, decided to let it flow without tying it. I'm wearing black jeans, a pink strapless top and white sneakers. Putting on some mascara and lipgloss, I'd say I look very very cute. Simple and cute. Perfect. Grab my bag and phone and head downstairs.

Today my mom has already left, Miss Watson is busy putting my breakfast on the table.

"Morning Miss Watson". I sit at the table.

"You look lighter. Your eyes look less strained", Miss Watson says while studying my face.

Her comments make me think. I actually didn't cry this weekend over Chris. He was barley a thought even. My mind was too occupied by a certain face and lips.

"You met someone!", Miss Watson says excitedly. I laugh while grabbing the toasted bread and butter.

"Calm down ma'am, but yes I met a guy on Friday at the club. The good news is he's very good looking, the bad news is, I don't even know who he is", I say casually.

"Now how did that happen??", she asks.

I sigh, "Before I could fully know him, we had to leave coz Cass was uncomfortable as some stupid guy was acting rough on her. I don't even know his last name. Didn't even get numbers". This is actually more depressing than I thought.

"I'm sorry that happened to Cass. And you're such a good friend. The three of you always stick out for one another. And that's how it should be".

And she was right. I would trust my life in the hands of Cass and Steph. And I know they would too.

"And I'm sorry you couldn't know that boy better. You'll meet new people it's okay".

Yeah but they won't be him, I thought. It's crazy because I really don't even know Ryan but here I am sulking.

"Time for me to go. Maybe you'll still be here when I come back. What time did Mom leave?".  She must have left very early because I didn't even hear her.

"Oh no, she's still sleeping. She's on leave".

Makes sense why I hadn't heard her. Good for her, she needs to rest.

"Alright I'll see her when I come back then. Bye". I say as I walk out the door.

Shockingly, Cass is already waiting on her driveway for me. I am shook! It's a Monday and she's ready and early?? What the hell happened??! As she gets in the car, I look at her with wide eyes.

"What?", she asks like she doesn't know what.

"Okay, does YOUR bed have bugs?? Why are you on time? It's a Monday". 

She rolls her eyes. "No my bed does not have bugs. I don't know, I just woke up very early with energy. In a good mood even. I know I hate Mondays but something's different about this one, I just don't know what", she shrugs.

Well I hope it's a good Monday. I wish I was in the same mood as her. I'm going back to my daily hell of Chris and his new girlfriend. I scream in my head.

We get to school and I park my car. As we're walking inside, I notice the mood. O K A Y, people are acting weird today. There's so much excitement I can see it in their faces. What did I miss? Did people get a special visit from God and I missed it?? Does he hate me that much??

Girls are acting all giddy and the boys seem to be a bit taken back. Two completely different moods.

"Uhm what's going on?", I hear Cass ask. I turn to her and just shake my head. I'm as confused as she is.

"Looks like people are on whatever you're on today. It's a Monday and everyone looks like they're high on something", I say as we continue down the hallway.

We get to our lockers and Steph arrives shortly. I don't pick up Steph in the morning because her parents prefer to drop her off. I only drop her off in the afternoons.

"Is everyone high on something? What's going on?", Steph says immediately when she reaches us.

"Dude we're as confused as you are"' Cass replies.

A group of girls pass us and I hear one of them saying "did you see him?? Oh my word!". See Who?? Omg is Ryan Gosling here?? I'll faint. That's the hottest man ever.

"Please don't tell me we have a new headmaster? I honestly can't keep up", Cass says.

Our school frequently changes headmasters because they all quit due to rich parents demanding ridiculous things from the school.

"That would be crazy. We're already on our second one for the year and it's still second term", I say.

Anyways I start going through my locker to take out the books I need for my first classes.


"WHAT THE FUCK", Cass and Steph speak simultaneously. Immediately turning my head, confused to see them both with shocked faces. I follow the direction of where they're looking,

"What's wron....." I trail off. I freeze. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. W.T.F.

It's Ryan. It's fucking Ryan! He is walking down my school hall and is coming in my direction. Is this real?? What is happening? 

"Isn't that hot boy from the club?", Cass asks.

"That sure as hell is definitely him", Steph answers.

I'm still frozen and I'm not even sure I'm still breathing at this point. Ryan is walking as if looking around for something. What is he doing here?? Is this real?

He spots me and he looks relieved and smiles at me. He is SMILING AT ME???! What is going on??!

" he smiling at you!?!" Steph quietly shouts.

"Holy shit", Cass says.

Ryan reaches me and with a smile still on his face, he stands in front of me,


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