Chapter Three

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You know how when something is going wrong and then everything just starts going wrong?? That thing where it feels like the universe is conspiring against you? Yeah that was my life.

It's bad enough that I'm in the same school as him, but here's the kicker. I'm in the same class as his new girlfriend. So every time he comes to see her, I see him. Every time she talks about him I hear her.

Like can someone kill me already!!!

The bells rings and we say our goodbyes as we go to different classes. We have a few classes we share together so i do get to see them during some classes which is amazing considering that we actually never listen to anything and we just talk. Teachers sometimes even separate us because we really don't listen when we're sitting together.

Walking to to my class, I'm already dreading the situation I'll be in. Of course Chris is still here with his babe. Fuck my life. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the girl. She's innocent here. She's not the one who betrayed me. It's HIM I hate. Or try to hate.

The heart is very stupid. Taking a deep breath and swallowing hard, I walk past them to my seat. The teacher walks in immediately and I silently thank God. Chris kisses his babe on the cheek before he leaves.

Not even once looking my direction. Wow. You think you know someone until they show you what they're true colours are. And boy did I see the colours.

Rest of the classes goes in a blur. Honestly I'm not in the mood for school today. Or any other day. I just want to be in bed doing absolutely nothing. I don't even wish to have any thoughts. I just want silence.

Do you ever get that thing where you wish you'd turn off the voices in your head?? I could really use that right now. It's the last class before lunch so at least I'll see my friends now.

The bells rings signalling the end of the class so I pack my things and head to the cafeteria to where my two best friends are already sitting.

"Ordered you your favourite meal" Steph says to me. This is why I need them in my life. "You're the best", I say smiling at her, a smile that doesn't reach my eyes. Sighing as I sit down, I make a mental note to actually stop sighing because it's getting tiring. My thoughts are interrupted.

"You know, you will get over him. One day you'll wake up and he won't be the first thing on your mind" Steph says with a sad smile. I can't wait for that day. Hell I wish it could come now. I'm tired of feeling like this. Tired of thinking about him.

"I just don't think I'll ever get over the betrayal. More than anything, it's the betrayal. I've never questioned my worth the way I have this past week. I feel so pathetic man" I say holding back tears.

Woah where did those come from? Calm down missy. I hate this so much I could scream.

"Hey, he is not worth any of your tears. He's a jerk and he certainly did not deserve you. You're worth so much more" Cass says holding my hand.

"Okay okay let's stop with this sad mood. It's Friday and we're going out. We need to be happy" I say faking excitement. They both look at me sadly. "Guys, please okay, I will be fine. I don't want to be a party pooper".

Our food finally arrives. Steph ordered me a chicken burger with a side of chips and sprite with no ice. Very important that the sprite did not have ice. I mean it doesn't taste like the McDonald's sprite but still, I love sprite. It's my favourite non alcoholic drink. And this was my favourite meal at the cafe.

"So what's the agenda for tonight" I ask after we're all done eating.

"Agenda is worst behaviour" Cass says. Steph and I laugh at her. "No I'm serious, we're gonna be on our worst behaviour tonight. Looking very hot at that. We're getting ready at your house Star so I can pick a dress for you and do your makeup". I look at her offended because Uhm... I most certainly can do that on my own?

"I can definitely do my own makeup and find a cute outfit for myself??" I say to Cass with an offended look.

She shakes her head, "I know my dear child, but that's the thing, I don't want you looking cute, I want you looking hot af! Maybe you'll meet a hot guy and make out with him and fall in love and get married".

She's dead serious. Like really serious. Steph and I burst out laughing at that.

Always Cass with the drama. Always.

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