Chapter Six

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The moment we enter the club, fun is in the air. And trust me, the three of us sure know how to have fun. We head straight to the bar and Jason is the bartender tonight, perfect! More free drinks.

"Hey Jase, 6 tequila shots", Steph shouts out. The music is very loud. A few people at the bar turn to look at us as it's packed but Jase attends us first. Oops, it's privileges of knowing the right people. Sorry guys.

Now let me tell you. Jason was hot! At some point I even had a crush on him. He has short dark brown hair, gorgeous grey eyes and a smile to die for! Muscles in all the right places and he never misses leg day. Something about a man with gorgeous calves. Okay I'm done, you get the gist.

"Well well, if it isn't the three musketeers", he says amused, "Thought y'all were dead".

The three of us laugh and Cass says "In your dreams boy. Now tequila".

Jason smiles at her and tilts his head, "Oh Cass, if only you knew what my dreams are, you wouldn't say that", he holds Cass in his eyes. I see her blushing and rolling her eyes.

Now these two had chemistry that is out of this world. One of them just needs to make a move. I swear they'd be amazing together.

"Okay lovebirds, get a room but first, tequila Jason", Steph says. Jason laughs and goes to get our shots.

A few minutes later and 6 shots are in front of us.

"To the best night ever?" Steph says excitedly.

"To saying the F word to Chris. He never deserved you Star", Cass says with a mad look.

"And to saying the F word to love", I say sadly.

We take the first shot and I am reminded of how horrible tequila actually is. It's horrible, terrible, bad and every negative word. Lord I'm gonna be hanging so badly tomorrow. But for now, let's have fun. We take the second shot and Steph drags us to the dance floor.

The dance floor is packed and we manage to squeeze in. I can already feel those two shots working their magic. Now, I'm not a light weight, but tequila does not have mercy on me. It's gonna be a long night.

A few minutes later a hot guy comes and asks to dance with Cass. She winks at us and they move a bit far away.

Steph and I continue dancing.

"Let's get a drink", I shout at Steph and she nods. I quickly go to the bar and order for us. "Jase I need two cosmopolitan cocktails".

He quickly makes them and hands them out to me. I go back to the dance floor and give Steph her drink. I downed mine in a few seconds and so does Steph. Need the alcohol to start working faster.

After putting the empty glasses on a tray with a passing waiter, we continue dancing. I try to look for Cass and behold, she's making out with the hot guy. Lucky ass.

Okay we need shots again. I walk to the bar and as I'm about to call out to Jason, a deep voice catches my attention. "So Chris huh", hearing that name my heart nearly stopped.

I turn to my left to see where the deep voice is coming from and oh my freaking word! My breath catches in my throat.

Holy mother of God. Jesus Christ. This guy is GORGEOUS. Dark curly black hair that almost reaches his shoulders, dark eyes, a face to die for and muscles just the right size. I think I might have audibly gasp?? I don't know I'm just shocked by the beauty. Wow.

He clears his throat and I snap back to reality.

Cocking his head to the side, "Done checking me out?", he asks smiling. Perfect teeth too. Oh Lord Jesus he is freaking hot.

Have I blinked? I shake my head and smile blushing. Dummy.

"I'll take that as a yes", he laughs. Even his laugh is perfect. Damn. Woah. I wait for him to say something because apparently, I don't know how to speak anymore. I'm so stupid. And then I remember what he said.

Finding my words finally, "What do you know about Chris?", I ask him.

"Just that he did not deserve you". I look at hot boy (yeah I'm calling him that) in shock and I furrow my brows. Who is this guy and how does he know about Chris? That's very creepy?

He must have seen the shock on my face, "I overheard you and your friends as you were taking the shots".

Ohhh. I make an ohh face. That's where he heard it.

"Make it a habit to listen to strangers conversations?". This is me flirting. I have zero flirting skills. Zero. Zeroooo.

He looks me in the eye for a few seconds before saying, "Only when the stranger is beautiful and I'm interested in her". He holds my eyes.

Uhm is he talking about me?? Holy shit is he flirting back?!!! What!! My cheeks hurt from blushing. Get it together Star! I hate myself. I can't even look him in the eyes and he's still looking at me.

Ugh he's probably just a hot guy who tells every girl this so he can get laid. I hate men. I don't say anything and I turn to Jase to order two shots of tequila. Jase is smirking. Shut up Jase! I say in my head.

"I'm Ryan by the way", I turn to him and nod. "I'm Star".

He laughs and I look at him confused. Did I mention his laugh is perfect?? Yes? Okay. He stops laughing and smiles,

"No offence by that sounds like a strippers name".

I'm not even shocked, people make fun of my name all the time. When Steph and I became friends, she made fun of my name the entire week. I roll my eyes at him.

Jason comes and hands me the shots. He looks at me and Ryan, then winks at me. Ugh. I hate him.

"Anyways, let me strip my ass out of here then", I say to Ryan. See what I did there? I kill myself sometimes. Before he says anything else, I turn on my heels and walk back to Steph.

She managed to find a table and that's where I'm headed now. As I walk to her, she looks at me wiggling her eyebrows. Yep, she definitely saw me talking to Ryan. I'm gonna need another shot.

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