Chapter Thirteen

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Did I sort out my outfit when I came home yesterday? No. So now I'm standing looking at everything I've put on the bed and I can't find anything to wear. I'm gonna be late.

This is harder than I thought. Like suddenly I have nothing to wear. I don't wanna look like I tried too hard but also I'm trying to look cute? You know what I mean? Sighing, I take the brown long sleeve shirt, my black jeans and my black and white vans. This is literally how I look everyday but you know what, whatever I don't care.

Taking my bag, I go downstairs and see my mom. For someone who's off at work, she woke up early. If I had the opportunity to not go to work, I'd literally sleep in the whole day!

"You're up early for someone who's supposed to be resting", I say to her as I go into the kitchen and kiss her on the cheek.

"I know, my body is used to waking up super early I guess. Breakfast?", she says dishing up for me.

"I'm already late mom, can't stay any longer", I can see the disappointment in her face. I wish I could stay but I took too long deciding on what to wear only to end up wearing something basic.

"I feel like I don't see you anymore, I don't even know what's happening with you".

I look at her, I know what she means by that. Chris. I'll tell her when I'm ready. My mom loved Chris. She was a huge fan of him. She loved us together. Everyone was blinded by his charm.

"I know mom, and I'll update you, I promise you. Maybe when I come back today after school hmm?", I'm just trying to make her feel better. I'm not ready to tell her about Chris. I can't trust myself to not cry when I talk about him.

Checking my phone, shit I'm running late! I sprint to the door, "bye! Love you!".

"Bye honey".

As soon as I got on Cassy's driveway, I can see the disappointing look on her face. I know it's my outfit.

"What are you wearing", she looks so confused.

"Morning Cass, how you doing? Me? I'm great! Had a great night and..."

"Star shut the hell up. You were supposed to look hot today. You look like your everyday self. Jesus do we need to go inside so you can change?!",

"I didn't know what to wear!", I say defending myself, "Suddenly nothing I was putting on looked good. It just got so confusing and I realised I'm doing all this for some stupid boy who for all we know could just be trying to get into my pants".

And that's true, I don't even know Ryan!

"Uhm would that be a bad thing?", Cass asks me.


"Him trying to get into your pants?", she looks at me confused.

I just shake my head and laugh. Driving to school I couldn't help but think about what Cass said. Would it be a bad thing if he's just trying to get into my pants? I mean he's one hot guy and imagine saying I know him like that? And he's a senior. Hmm.

Getting to school and parking my car. A white BMW M4 comes through the parking lot trying to find some space to park. I took a deep breath. I am obsessed with an M4! I absolutely love this car so much! It's like my dream car.

"Okay it's just a car calm down before you pass out", Cass says as she gets out of the passenger seat when she sees my state. She knows how obsessed I am with this car. What a beautiful car. Imagine it in red? A red M4 would actually make me pass out for real.

"Oh my God", Cass says before I can even find my words at the sight I'm seeing. Ryan is coming out of the M4. What the hell.

"That's HIS car?", Cass turns to look at me with her eyes wide. I just stare back at her with the same expression because WHAT!

He's a bit far so he can't see us. Okay so on top of where he's staying, he drives an M4? He's definitely from a rich family because no one in high school is just coming with an M4. Like no one at all. Why am I only finding out that he drives an M4?

"Your crush driving your dream car is a bit funny I won't lie. It's like the universe is playing tricks on you", Cass says, finally closing her door and coming to my side.

I ignore what she said about the crush thing because honestly it's true. I do have a crush on him even if I hated to admit it.

We walk in the hallway to our lockers and it doesn't go unnoticed that there are some stares coming my way. And they are not friendly ones. From both the girls and guys. Told you they'd be a rumour today after what Ryan did yesterday with the kiss.

Before we get to our lockers, a girl in my class comes to my view. It's Bethany. The rich kid who thinks being a mean girl is still the thing in high school. I stop walking and Cass stops too.

"I understand why Chris did what he did, you're so loose because how are you already busy with the new guy?"

I felt my heart sink. Not because of the being loose comment, but the comment about what Chris did. I'd like to not remember that I got dumped in a football field. I know she wants a reaction out of me but unfortunately I know better.

"Morning Bethany,..."

"It's Beth", she counters with a straight face.

"I'd like to stand here and chit chat but I'm running late so excuse me", I start walking away and when I'm about to pass her she grabs my hand.

"He's never gonna be yours. You're throwing yourself at him and boys don't like that. I want him. And as we all know, I always get what I want", she says with the emphasis on always.

I shake her hand off of mine and laugh at her, "Bethany, you can have him".

She wasn't expecting that response so while she regains her confidence I walk past her.

"It took everything for me to know jump on her ass. What an insufferable girl", Cass says.

"She's not worth it", I say. She really isn't.

As we get closer to our lockers, Steph is already there and she's chatting with someone. My heart picks up coz I can see already who she's with. It's Ryan.

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