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Džanum-Teye Dora

"Say you want it, beg me for it"

My cries filled the air "please stop your hurting me stop"

"Shut-up you slut, beg me for it"

I winced as his hand made contact with my cheek, a sharp stinging sensation spreading across my skin.

"Give me more" I said with a lump forming at the back of my throat

"Say it like you mean it slut"

"Slut." The word echoed in my mind, a venomous hiss that felt like a physical blow. I despised that word, despised the way he spat it out with such disdain, as if it defined my entire existence. The pain it caused cut deeper than any physical wound, slicing through my self-esteem, leaving behind a raw, bleeding mess of emotions.

The dark corners of my mind whispered vengeful thoughts, fantasies of retribution. Should I cut his tongue off? The idea flitted across my consciousness like a shadowy specter, tempting me with the notion of silencing his cruel words forever. Or perhaps a more visceral revenge, like plunging a blade into his neck, watching the blood gush forth in a macabre dance. The mental image was gruesome, yet strangely satisfying, a twisted sense of justice playing out in the recesses of my imagination.

He moaned in my ears, his breath hot against my skin, his satisfaction a cruel contrast to my anguish. Once he had finished, he laid beside me, spent and breathless, as if he had done nothing more than exert himself in a harmless activity. His casual demeanor only deepened the horror of the moment.

"You know I love you right?"

Tears welled up in my eyes. I was tired, exhausted from enduring this night after night. The pain inside me screamed to be released. I wanted to scream, to shout, to escape this living nightmare. "My half-sister is your daughter," I choked out amidst my tears.

"Okay? It's you I love. Your mum doesn't turn me on like you do," he said, his words dripping with sickening sincerity.

"I'm 15!" I yelled, finally letting the tears flow freely. Every night, he invaded my room, repeating the same horrifying ritual. I mustered the courage to confide in my mother, but she dismissed my cries for help as lies. Bailey, my own sister, merely laughed in my face.

I couldn't blame them, really. Why would they believe me over him? I felt like a useless, power-hungry outcast who had stolen my sister's rightful place.

was it ever hers to begin with?

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you! I'll get you imprisoned!" I cried, my voice breaking with every word, as I pounded his chest.

He grinned wickedly and gripped my arm, his fingers digging into my skin. "Who are you going to tell? Your mom who hates you and hurts you every night? Your sister who despises you more than anyone else? Or the jirlu? I am the chief of the jirlu. Get me imprisoned?" He chuckled, the sound sending chills down my spine, and he slapped me hard. My weak body crumbled to the floor, pain coursing through every inch of my being. "I own the prison," he sneered.

He crawled closer, his eyes filled with malevolence, and taunted, "Ready for round 2?"

"No, no, no, no, no," I whimpered, trying to scramble away, but my legs throbbed with agony. Every movement sent sharp waves of pain through me.

I raised my hands, desperately summoning my fire, but it flickered weakly. My power was feeble, and I knew I couldn't defend myself. What had I expected to achieve?

Queen of the zodiac ( zodiac city duology #1) [ undergoing revamping]Where stories live. Discover now